The expert called the products prohibited after vaccination against COVID-19

Expert Ignatikova: Alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies after vaccination against COVID-19 from COVID-19, you should pay more attention to the diet. For example, alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies. She named the products prohibited for this period in a conversation with Sputnik radio.

The expert noted that for the formation of immunity, nutrition must be balanced. “It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol for at least three days after vaccination, and even better – for the entire period between vaccinations, if we are talking about” Sputnik V “. Any alcohol, regardless of its strength, always negatively affects the immune system, lowers the activity of immune cells, “she said.

After vaccination, you should also refuse foods that can cause allergies. At the time of exacerbation of allergic reactions, vaccination is even recommended to be temporarily postponed until the patient's condition returns to normal, Ignatikova said.

The nutritionist added that during this period one should not give up animal protein: “If a person, for example, adheres to a vegetarian diet by balancing it in terms of trace element composition, or observing a fast, he may have a protein deficiency in his diet. This can affect the immune system, including the immune response after vaccination. It is important to take this into account, “the specialist concluded.

Previously, the nutritionist listed the products that are essential for the health of teeth and bones. The diet should include foods rich in phosphorus. A lack of this mineral automatically leads to weak bones, joint and muscle pain, tooth decay, ringing in the ears, and anxiety.



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