Putin called the main result of negotiations with Biden

The conversation with & nbsp; US President Joe Biden was open, substantive and & nbsp; constructive, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said at a conference & nbsp; according to & nbsp; the results of negotiations with & nbsp; Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis in & nbsp; Sochi.

According to & nbsp; Moscow in & nbsp; within a week will present its proposals to Washington in the & nbsp; security sphere.

“ We & nbsp; have the opportunity to continue the dialogue with the & nbsp; President of the United States. This is the most important thing & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said Putin. According to & nbsp; he said, the leaders discussed the situation around & nbsp; Ukraine.

In addition, Putin and & nbsp; Biden discussed the problem of cybersecurity, on this issue they & nbsp; managed to establish a dialogue. “ We talked in detail about & nbsp; cybersecurity, stated that & nbsp; after our meeting in & nbsp; Geneva, we managed to advance in & nbsp; this direction is very significant '', & nbsp; & mdash; said the Russian president.

Putin added that & nbsp; counts on & nbsp; that & nbsp; Russia's concern on & nbsp; the issue of Ukraine's possible admission to NATO will be heard after negotiations with & nbsp; Biden.

We cannot but be concerned about the prospect of Ukraine's possible admission to NATO, because for this will undoubtedly be followed by the deployment of appropriate military contingents, bases and weapons that threaten us. I already spoke about this in general terms, answering the previous question [about the negotiations with Biden]. Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia

The negotiations between Putin and & nbsp; Biden took place on December 7 & nbsp; and & nbsp; lasted a little more than two hours. The presidents communicated via a & nbsp; secure video channel. Putin was in & nbsp; Sochi in & nbsp; his residence, and & nbsp; Biden & nbsp; & mdash; in the & nbsp; White House in & nbsp; Washington.

The & nbsp; White House message on the & nbsp; results of the talks said that & nbsp; the president had warned his Russian colleague that & nbsp; in the & nbsp; economic restrictions against Russia.

