Former porn star complains about difficulties in relationships with men

The OnlyFans star complained that the “good guys” don't want to date pornstars

Former porn star from Glasgow, Scotland, complained relationships with men and talked about the consequences of choosing a profession. She shared her story with The Sun.

According to Lana Wolfe, difficulties in her personal life began after her OnlyFans account gained popularity. The girl sells candid photos and videos to numerous subscribers. “Guys say that when they start dating me, they are not against pornography, but when they have feelings for me, they try to make me stop. But this is my dream job, I love it, and I cannot be with someone who wants me to stop doing what I love and does not support me, “she said.

Wolf also believes , which attracts the wrong men with whom I could be happy. She explains this by the fact that the “good guys” do not want to date porn stars. Tired of failures in her personal life, the girl decided to focus on her career and devote herself entirely to developing an account on OnlyFans.

The British added that she had to sacrifice a lot for her favorite job: Wolfe's parents did not approve of her choice and turned away from her daughter , and strangers often insult her.

Earlier it was reported that a model from Los Angeles, USA, considered herself too sexy for poor men with ordinary cars and told about her chosen one. She is convinced that a car can tell a lot about the owner, so men with ordinary cars have no chance of winning her attention.



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