The witness described the victim during the shooting in the center of Moscow

“He suffered, he was in pain”: the witness described the victim during the shooting in Moscow working at that moment in a restaurant nearby. The video was published by the Zvezda TV channel in its Telegram channel. The man explained that the incident took place in front of the restaurant. The staff saw outside the window a man covered in blood, whose hands were most stained with blood. Two doctors carried him away on a stretcher. At first, the restaurant staff were sure that these were the consequences of the accident, and the sounds of shooting were not heard in the room. At the same time, the interlocutor of the TV channel noted that the victim was conscious, but did not say anything or shout.

Human biology exhibition in London had to be changed due to transgender people

Science Museum London to change exhibition after complaints about absence of transgender people Science Museum London had to agree to changes human biology and sex characteristics, following complaints of lack of transgender representation. This is reported by The Telegraph. As a result, the curators of the exhibition “Boy or Girl?” decided to consult with the Museum of Transology, as it allegedly possesses “the largest collection of items representing the lives of trans, non-binary and intersex people in the UK.” The content of the exhibition is also currently being revised and redone. The Science Museum said they want to make it more consistent with modern scientific research. Also, when changing the content of the exhibition, the wishes of visitors will be taken into account. On December 3, it became known that public schools in the city of Chicago (Illinois, USA) will abolish separate toilets for boys and girls, and instead will

Dozens of children in the US vaccinated with expired coronavirus vaccine

WP: 70 children in Maryland were vaccinated against COVID-19 with an expired Pfizer vaccine Dozens of children in the US have been vaccinated in Maryland an expired coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer. It is reported by The Washington Post (WP). According to the newspaper, at least 70 children were vaccinated with the drug, which turned out to be expired due to a violation of storage conditions. Health services have assured that the health of minors is not in danger. In doing so, they urged their parents to make sure that their children receive another dose of vaccine to properly protect against COVID-19. “We deeply regret the mistake and apologize for the concern and inconvenience caused to families,” said the deputy chief of the local health administration, George L. Askew. According to him, personnel were retrained in the region on storage of vaccines. On September 30, it was reported that about 260

The witness described the victim during the shooting in the center of Moscow

“He suffered, he was in pain”: the witness described the victim during the shooting in Moscow working at that moment in a restaurant nearby. The video was published by the Zvezda TV channel in its Telegram channel. The man explained that the incident took place in front of the restaurant. The staff saw outside the window a man covered in blood, whose hands were most stained with blood. Two doctors carried him away on a stretcher. At first, the restaurant staff were sure that these were the consequences of the accident, and the sounds of shooting were not heard in the room. At the same time, the interlocutor of the TV channel noted that the victim was conscious, but did not say anything or shout.

Ученые нашли народ, который процветал во время «конца света»

One American Culture Actually Benefited From 'The Worst Year in Human History' — ScienceAlert (@ScienceAlert) December 3, 2021 Индейские народы пуэбло не только пережили древний катаклизм, но и достигли процветания во времена, когда остальная часть мира сильно пострадала из-за последствий стихийного бедствия, выяснили ученые. В 536 году нашей эры, который называют худшим годом в истории, из-за серии извержений вулканов в Северной и Южной Америке (по некоторым данным — в Исландии) Северное полушарие на 18 месяцев погрузилось в темноту. Наступило самое резкое понижение среднегодовой температуры в регионе за последние 2000 лет, что привело к неурожаям, голоду и социальным конфликтам. Византийский историк Прокопий писал об этом катаклизме так: «Весь год солнце испускало свет как луна, без лучей, как будто оно теряло свою силу, перестав, как прежде, чисто и ярко сиять. С того времени, как это началось, не прекращались среди людей ни война, ни моровая язва, ни какое-либо иное бедствие, несущее смерть».

Russians were given advice on renting a house to celebrate the New Year

“INCOM-Real Estate”: when renting a house for the New Year, you must check the owner's passport home owner's passport and originals of documents that would confirm ownership. The experts of INKOM-Real Estate gave advice to the Russians, the materials are at the disposal of The lease agreement for the cottage must contain the passport details of the parties, information on the basis on which the owner owns the object, dates rental period and cost. Before check-in, tenants are advised to inspect the house, check the heating, plumbing and sewerage systems. “Turn on the lights in all rooms, and also ask the owner of the house to provide a certificate that there are no utility bills in arrears so as not to be left on New Year's Eve without electricity and water supply. Also check the work of all electrical equipment and the Internet, “the experts advised. Tenants should also

Valentino fashion house bought an advertisement from a cat from Kharkov

Stepan's cat from Ukraine was photographed next to a Valentino bag for four thousand euros Kharkov. This is reported by the Ukrainian portal Kharkiv Today. In the Instagram account of a 13-year-old pet, a photo appeared in which he was captured at the table next to a glass of red wine and a rose in a vase. The footage also shows the Italian brand's Rockstud bag, which is completely covered in rhinestones. It is noted that the cost of the product is four thousand euros (335 thousand rubles). According to the publication, representatives of the fashion house decided to buy an advertising post from a cat when they saw his picture on the page of pop singer Britney Spears on Instagram … According to the owner Stepan Anna, she spends all the money received from cooperation on props for new photo sessions of the pet. It is known that the

Valentino fashion house bought an advertisement from a cat from Kharkov

Stepan's cat from Ukraine was photographed next to a Valentino bag for four thousand euros Kharkov. This is reported by the Ukrainian portal Kharkiv Today. In the Instagram account of a 13-year-old pet, a photo appeared in which he was captured at the table next to a glass of red wine and a rose in a vase. The footage also shows the Italian brand's Rockstud bag, which is completely covered in rhinestones. It is noted that the cost of the product is four thousand euros (335 thousand rubles). According to the publication, representatives of the fashion house decided to buy an advertising post from a cat when they saw his picture on the page of pop singer Britney Spears on Instagram … According to the owner Stepan Anna, she spends all the money received from cooperation on props for new photo sessions of the pet. It is known that the

Perm university changed its mind about collecting money from the student who organized the shooting

RT: Perm State University changed their mind about recovering money from the shooter Bekmansurov shooting on 20 September. The representatives of the university explained their decision on the RT Telegram channel by the fact that they had already managed to repair the damaged walls and windows, as well as restore the entrance lobbies. In November, it was reported that Perm University paid money to the victims from its own funds. Therefore, representatives of the university hoped to recover compensation from Bekmansurov. The young man who arranged the shooting was wounded during arrest, his leg was amputated. Bekmansurov was assigned to a detachment for the disabled in the pre-trial detention center. It is noted that the detachment is closely monitoring the health of disabled people in order to prevent the deterioration of their health. If necessary, they are provided with emergency assistance. The prisoners from the special detachment, where the accused