Biden announced another measures against Russia because of Ukraine

President Biden: The US is preparing measures to prevent Russia's aggression against Ukraine US President Joe Biden announced another set of measures designed not to allow Russian aggression against Ukraine. RIA Novosti writes about this. During a press conference, the American leader said that he would not allow Russia to do what “people fear” because of what. He called the upcoming foreign policy steps “a comprehensive set of initiatives.” The leaders will also likely discuss Iran, Libya and Syria, as well as talk about the state of bilateral relations, which is currently unsatisfactory. On December 3, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the exact date for new talks between Putin and Biden not yet agreed. According to him, the videoconference of the two leaders may take place on December 7th.

Ukrainian companies owe Russia over a billion dollars

The debt of private companies in Ukraine to Russia by July 1 amounted to more than a billion dollars more than a billion dollars, follows from the data of the National Bank of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year, the share of Russia in the geographical structure of the real sector's debt on non-guaranteed loans has increased from 2.5 to 2.6 percent. The country is among the top ten creditors for Ukrainian enterprises. The total debt of private companies in Ukraine in the first half of the year amounted to almost 44 billion dollars. They owe the most to Cyprus (about 21 billion), followed by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Russia was in eighth place of the main creditors. The main currency of borrowing is dollars (more than 62.2 percent), about a quarter of loans are accounted for by the euro. At the end of November, the Ukrainian

Biden announced another measures against Russia because of Ukraine

President Biden: The US is preparing measures to prevent Russia's aggression against Ukraine US President Joe Biden announced another set of measures designed not to allow Russian aggression against Ukraine. RIA Novosti writes about this. During a press conference, the American leader said that he would not allow Russia to do what “people fear” because of what. He called the upcoming foreign policy steps “a comprehensive set of initiatives.” The leaders will also likely discuss Iran, Libya and Syria, as well as talk about the state of bilateral relations, which is currently unsatisfactory. On December 3, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the exact date for new talks between Putin and Biden not yet agreed. According to him, the videoconference of the two leaders may take place on December 7th.

The United States named a new threat to the economy

The Fed said that the omicron strain of coronavirus could lead to an increase in inflation in the United States the US economy and provoke a sharp rise in prices in the country. This scenario was named by the head of the US Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Loretta Mester, in an interview with the Financial Times. According to a spokesman for the US Federal Reserve System (FRS), the new strain of coronavirus, in addition to a sharp rise in inflation, could worsen the situation with a shortage of workers and create additional pressure on global supply chains. If the omicron strain is more dangerous than the delta strain, those people who lost their jobs or quit during the pandemic will continue to stay at home. “Fear of the virus continues to be one of the factors holding people back from returning to the labor market,” Mester said. However, she

The United States named a new threat to the economy

The Fed said that the omicron strain of coronavirus could lead to an increase in inflation in the United States the US economy and provoke a sharp rise in prices in the country. This scenario was named by the head of the US Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Loretta Mester, in an interview with the Financial Times. According to a spokesman for the US Federal Reserve System (FRS), the new strain of coronavirus, in addition to a sharp rise in inflation, could worsen the situation with a shortage of workers and create additional pressure on global supply chains. If the omicron strain is more dangerous than the delta strain, those people who lost their jobs or quit during the pandemic will continue to stay at home. “Fear of the virus continues to be one of the factors holding people back from returning to the labor market,” Mester said. However, she

Craftswoman from Nizhny Tagil conquered the whole world with painted trays

A Russian woman from Nizhny Tagil spoke about the skill of painting on trays painting on trays. Her works are also sent to private collections and exhibitions. Olga Matukova is often invited to master classes, she also works with foreigners who want to paint wood and metal products with her. Its story is cited by the regional news agency TagilCity. The craftswoman said that since childhood she loves to draw, which is why, after graduating from vocational school, she went to work at an enterprise. For example, she spent many years at the Metal Shop and Tagil Tray factories. The most common motifs in her works are flowers, butterflies and berries. According to her, when she worked in the shop, she was in a creative team and wrote works of authorship to order for both foreigners and Russians. Her trays were often purchased for the museum collection or as a

Craftswoman from Nizhny Tagil conquered the whole world with painted trays

A Russian woman from Nizhny Tagil spoke about the skill of painting on trays painting on trays. Her works are also sent to private collections and exhibitions. Olga Matukova is often invited to master classes, she also works with foreigners who want to paint wood and metal products with her. Its story is cited by the regional news agency TagilCity. The craftswoman said that since childhood she loves to draw, which is why, after graduating from vocational school, she went to work at an enterprise. For example, she spent many years at the Metal Shop and Tagil Tray factories. The most common motifs in her works are flowers, butterflies and berries. According to her, when she worked in the shop, she was in a creative team and wrote works of authorship to order for both foreigners and Russians. Her trays were often purchased for the museum collection or as a

Putin phoned Erdogan

Russian President Putin had a telephone conversation with Turkish President Erdogan Russian President Vladimir Putin phoned his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to Turkish television. According to the agency, during a telephone conversation, the heads of state discussed the situation in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Libya and Syria. In addition, Putin and Erdogan touched upon bilateral relations between Moscow and Ankara and discussed further steps that will contribute to their strengthening and development. Earlier, the Turkish President said that Ankara is ready to mediate relations between Russia and Ukraine on the issue of resolving a potential conflict in the region. He stressed that Turkey supports the establishment of peace in the region and worries about the fate of the “Crimean Turks” – the Crimean Tatar people. Erdogan made a statement against the background of accusations by the US and NATO countries against Russia

Фотоловушки в Китае запечатлели редких животных

A total of 80 kinds of species, 14 of which are under China's national 1st-class protection and 22 are under 2nd-class protection, have been recorded as of November in Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon in SW China's Tibet, according to a recent field investigation on #biodiversity. — People's Daily, China (@PDChina) December 3, 2021 В Национальном парке на юго-западе Китая в Тибете завершились полевые исследования. Там специалисты отслеживали и считали местных животных и птиц. По новым данным, на территории парка было зарегистрировано 80 видов животных, 14 из которых находятся под национальной защитой 1-го класса («Исчезающие виды»), а 22 — под защитой 2-го класса («Редкие, с сокращающейся численностью»). Посчитать животных специалистам удалось в том числе и с помощью фотоловушек, установленных на территории Национального парка. Кадры с редкими животными, попавшими в объектив, экологи опубликовали в соцсетях. Новогодняя распродажа: скидки до – 60% Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о животных

The lawyer commented on the charges in the treason case to the founder of Group-IB

The lawyer of the founder of Group-IB commented on the publication of Bloomberg about Sachkov Sergey Afanasyev, lawyer of the founder of Sachkov, told NEWS that the information of Bloomberg that his client could be accused of transferring data about the interference of Russian hackers in the US elections to the American authorities is untrue. Earlier on December 3, Bloomberg, citing informed sources, reported that Sachkov, who is being held in the high treason case, could be accused of transferring data to the Americans about the Russian hacker group Fancy Bear and their attempts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential elections. According to the newspaper, this information helped the authorities find the GRU agents who allegedly participated in the cyberattacks. According to Afanasyev, Bloomberg based its publication on speculation and assumptions. “These are their guesses and assumptions, nothing more,” added the defender. At the same time, he himself