Norway opposed the presence of NATO troops near the border with Russia

“For & nbsp; Norway is very important military presence (NATO. & mdash; & ldquo; Kommersant & rdquo;) near us. & nbsp; But & nbsp; next to & nbsp; the Russian border, it seems to us, we & nbsp; do better ourselves & nbsp; & mdash; with & nbsp; the help of Norwegian aircraft and & nbsp; frigates. This is very important for & nbsp; us & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said the minister in an & nbsp; interview with the local newspaper & nbsp; VG.

Huitfeld clarified that & nbsp; will discuss the matter with & nbsp; Great Britain and & nbsp; USA. “ They have to make their own decisions. But & nbsp; we need to protect the interests of Norway & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; noted the minister.

In October, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov paid a two-day visit to Norway. As a result of the talks, the Russian side offered Norway to start a dialogue between the defense ministries at a & nbsp; high level.

