The Russians named the most desirable countries for the move

Tranio: Canada has 23.2 thousand requests from Russians Yandex. Every month, on average, more than 23.2 thousand requests are received from Russians. These are the conclusions reached by the experts of the international broker Tranio, whose research is at the disposal of

Analysts have studied the level of interest of Russians in migration in relation to 63 countries. In addition to Canada, the Russians named the USA (17.1 thousand requests per month) and Germany (14.5 thousand requests) the most desirable for the move. The rest of the states did not reach the figure of 6 thousand requests. The experts also noted that the largest growth in interest in emigration grew for Portugal (increase by 62 percent of requests per month), Turkey (by 41.7 percent), as well as for Poland and Italy – by 28 percent for each country.

The most desirable countries for the Russians to move were Canada, the USA and Germany

According to analysts, in 2021, Russians began to take an active interest in pensions abroad than in 2020 – the number of requests increased by 18 percent. In addition to Germany, Russian-speaking users named the USA (6.3 thousand requests) and Latvia (2.6 thousand) as preferred countries for retirement. Lower in the ranking are Estonia and Israel – they account for 2.6 thousand and 1.9 thousand requests, respectively.

The experts separately determined the degree of interest of Russian citizens in a residence permit (residence permit), permanent residence (permanent residence) and obtaining citizenship in different countries. Most of all, Russians are interested in the status of a resident in Turkey (on average 22.6 thousand requests per month). The top 5 popular countries also included the United States (20.6 thousand queries), Germany (19.7 thousand), Israel (16.2 thousand), Spain (11 thousand).

Compared to 2020, in 2021, the number of requests for residency in Egypt increased by 3.2 times. Russians also became more interested in resident status in Portugal (an increase of 76 percent), the state of Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean (by 61 percent), as well as in Croatia (by 45 percent) and the UAE (by 44 percent). p>

Russian-speaking users of Yandex also sent inquiries about real estate abroad. The most popular country in this segment was Turkey with an average of 41.4 thousand requests per month. The top 3 includes Spain (25.9 thousand queries) and Bulgaria (22.2 thousand). In most cases, Russians were interested in apartments, but interest in houses took first place in Italy (4.4 thousand requests). Relative to 2020, Russian citizens have become more interested in housing in Egypt (an increase of 49 percent), Portugal (39 percent), Greece (35 percent) and Montenegro (30 percent).

Previously, the interest of Russians in housing abroad was analyzed by experts of the Knight Frank Russia agency. The most demanded was housing in Greece, which accounted for a fifth of the requests (20 percent). Below is Portugal with a share of 19 percent and Cyprus, where the indicator reached 13 percent.



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