Russians bought housing in one Eurasian country

Barnes International: in 2021, demand for Cyprus property grew by 35 percent percent will exceed the results of 2020, according to the materials of the Barnes International Moscow agency, available to Russians are also actively buying apartments and houses on the island.

In 2022, a drop in demand for Cypriot real estate is also not expected, analysts say. According to their observations, cities with a coastal line are especially in demand among Russian home buyers in this Eurasian country: Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca. Also popular is one resort village – Protaras, where wealthy locals prefer to relax.

“The republic recognizes the Sputnik V vaccine, which makes this destination convenient for Russian clients,” experts say. After the closure of the passport program in Cyprus, the objects that allow obtaining permanent residence (permanent residence) are in greatest demand: villas at a price of 800 thousand euros and turnkey apartments at a cost of 500 thousand euros. In addition, the demand for commercial real estate has sharply increased.

“It should be noted that local authorities are doing everything possible to attract foreign investors and highly qualified specialists to the island – for example, from January 1, 2022, a new program will be launched that will allow get citizenship after five years of residence, and if you know the Greek language – in four years instead of the current seven years, “- the experts conclude.

Earlier it was reported that Russian demand for housing in Turkey is growing again – last October it increased by 13 percent compared to September. In November, the most affordable apartment in the popular city of Antalya was sold for 4.58 million rubles.

