Lukashenko reveals terms of publication of the draft of the new Belarusian Constitution

Lukashenko promised to publish the draft of the new Constitution of Belarus before the New Year

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has revealed the timing of the publication of the draft of the new Constitution of the country. He told RIA Novosti about this.

Lukashenko noted that the draft document is already on his table. “Now I sit and watch. And every line, as it was before, “- said the President.

The Belarusian leader also added that he himself wrote the Constitution. At the same time, the head of state stressed that lawyers wrote with a pen, and he dictated, because he saw, as the president, what powers are needed to keep the country. When asked about the exact timing of the publication of the draft, Lukashenka replied that, probably, two weeks. “Until the New Year,” he added.

Earlier, Lukashenko said that the new Constitution of Belarus is not being developed under the current government. The head of state named the goal of amending the Constitution and stressed that this must be done for the life of future generations. “The point is those who follow you and us — those young people who haven’t sniffed gunpowder yet. They believe that on the Internet potatoes, carrots, and bananas are all there, ”the president added. At the same time, Lukashenka noted that the Constitution is not being updated in his personal interests. “If someone thinks that I have grabbed onto a chair and my hands have turned blue so that they would not tear me away from it, you are simply mistaken,” he said.



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