Restored events in the Listvyazhnaya mine immediately after the explosion

The daughter of a miner who died in Listvyazhnaya restored the chronology of events after the explosion

the miners were thrown aside, others lost consciousness, but there were also those who felt only cotton, but also could not get out. Ksenia, daughter of Gennady Beloshkursky, who died in the mine, told about this in an interview with She reconstructed the chronology of events by reading the correspondence of the surviving workers in the chat on her father's phone, which he left among his personal belongings on the surface.

“My dad was left [after the explosion] in a sane state, clearly understood what was happening. He began to raise people and bring them to their senses. He could have got out himself, but he preferred to stay with those who could not get up, “she said.

Beginning to take people out, Beloshkursky found that his young colleague Alexander Petrov was missing. He saw that he could not turn on his emergency breathing device – a self-rescuer.

“Daddy's self-rescuer was already on. And he just forcibly began to shove him. Dad wanted to save the guy, but he breathed without a self-rescuer, “- said Ksenia.

She added that her father was found in a group of five people not far from the exit. Alexander Petrov also died.

A methane explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region took place on the morning of November 25. As a result, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers who went in search of miners. According to the latest data, 96 people were injured – some of them have already been discharged from the hospital.



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