Nabiullina was compared to the legendary Prime Minister of Great Britain

VTB CEO Kostin compared the head of the Central Bank of Russia Nabiullina with British Prime Minister Thatcher British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who was called the “Iron Lady”. The corresponding comparison was offered by the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, writes RBC. Answering the question about his expectations from the next meeting of the Central Bank, where the key rate may be raised again, he indicated that he was guided by the statements of Nabiullina. “We think the way Elvira Sakhipzadovna thinks. A woman of steel, like Thatcher: she said – she did. We believe it will rise. We believe that 8.5 percent, we hope that this limit will be, “- said Kostin. The head of the Central Bank said on November 30 that the rate will remain at the level of 7.5 percent is unlikely. “We will consider from zero to 100 [basis points], we will consider the

Russia was offered to introduce a new tax

The World Bank has recommended Russia to introduce a carbon tax The World Bank has proposed Russia to introduce a carbon tax in high-emission industries. This is stated in the report of the organization, which is at the disposal of “”. Such a measure is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality and should primarily affect the fuel and energy complex (FEC), transport and industrial production. At the same time, it is rather difficult to regulate fugitive and technological carbon emissions in these sectors with the help of a tax, so the new tax is just one of the instruments of green policy that should stimulate a green transition in the economy. The World Bank also recommends using the trading system Emissions quotas: Enterprises are allocated emission quotas, and companies that lack them buy quotas from enterprises that emit fewer emissions. Such a system, if properly organized, can be more effective in

Russia was offered to introduce a new tax

The World Bank Recommended Russia to Introduce a Carbon Tax This is stated in the report of the organization, which is at the disposal of “”. Such a measure is necessary to achieve carbon neutrality and should primarily affect the fuel and energy complex (FEC), transport and industrial production. At the same time, it is rather difficult to regulate fugitive and technological carbon emissions in these sectors with the help of a tax, so the new tax is just one of the instruments of green policy that should stimulate a green transition in the economy. The World Bank also recommends using the trading system Emissions quotas: Enterprises are allocated emission quotas, and companies that lack them buy quotas from enterprises that emit fewer emissions. Such a system, if properly organized, can be more effective in reducing emissions than carbon taxes. Another way to regulate emissions is to levy higher fuel

Kim Kardashian recognized as a style icon

Kim Kardashian won the 2021 Fashion Icon Award People's Choice Awards 2021. WWD reports. The 41-year-old has been officially recognized as a style icon for her “keen sense of fashion and trends, entrepreneurial success and solely transforming the industry through innovative design and unique style.” “In almost two decades, the evolution of Kim Kardashian's style has influenced the fashion industry at the global level,” said the CEO of E! News Jen Neal. She will receive the award on December 7 during a telecast on NBC and E !. It is noted that the reality TV star will become the fourth holder of the honorary title. In addition to her, Victoria Beckham, Tracey Ellis Ross and Gwen Stefani were honored. In November, Kim Kardashian's appearance at Paris Hilton's wedding was criticized online. The businesswoman wore a black long dress with a deep neckline, dark tight tights and pointed pumps. Fans called

Любопытный амурский тигр вышел к водителям в Китае (видео)

Heart-stopping moment! A Siberian tiger was photographed staring at a vehicle of passersby for about one minute in just five-meter distance in NE China's Jilin Province. Fortunately, the animal under China’s highest-class protection finally walked away. — People's Daily, China (@PDChina) December 1, 2021 Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Екатерина Гура Еще больше интересного о животных

Обнаружен череп ранее не известной хищной морской рептилии

Ученые из Канады, Колумбии и Германии обнаружили в Колумбии метровый череп доисторического животного, ранее не известного науке. По форме и длинному «клюву» исследователи заключили, что это может быть родственник ихтиозавров — морских рептилий раннего юрского периода. Он жил примерно 130 миллионов лет назад. Однако ихтиозавры обладали маленькими зубами одинакового размера, эта же загадочная рептилия имела «убийственный арсенал» клыков, позволяющих охотиться на крупную добычу — большую рыбу и других морских рептилий. Дальнейший анализ показал, что ученые отыскали новый вид ихтиозавров, который заставит науку пересмотреть эволюцию этих животных. Он получил название Kyhytysuka, что на языке коренных жителей центральной Колумбии означает «тот, который режет чем-то острым». По мнению исследователей, этот вид происходит из важного переходного этапа — раннего мела, который пришел на смену юрскому 145 млн лет назад. В это время Земля выходила из относительно прохладного периода, уровень моря поднимался, а суперконтинент Пангея разделялся на северную и южную части. Многие классические морские экосистемы юрского периода навсегда изменились. На смену глубоководным ихтиозаврам, плезиозаврам с короткой шеей и морским крокодилам пришли плезиозавры с длинной шеей, морские черепахи и мозазавры. Теперь, как оказалось, среди новых существ был и «гиперплотоядный» ихтиозавр — один

Астронавт показал «невидимый» Эверест

After trying many many times, I was finally able to find Mt. Everest from the @Space_Station. Can you find it in these photos? — Mark T. Vande Hei (@Astro_Sabot) November 30, 2021 Эверест — самая высокая гора планеты, но даже при этом рассмотреть главный пик Гималаев с орбиты может оказаться той еще задачей. Астронавт NASA Марк Ванде Хай опубликовал в соцсетях две фотографии высочайшей горной системы Земли, которые он сделал на борту Международной космической станции, и предложил своим подписчикам отыскать на них «невидимый Эверест». «После многих попыток я наконец смог найти гору Эверест с борта МКС. А вы можете найти ее на этих фото?» — написал он. Подписчики не растерялись и приняли вызов. Некоторые уже опубликовали свои ответы. «Да она же микроскопическая», — написал один из комментаторов. Суперскидки до -70% на электронику, модную одежду, обувь и многое другоеУзнать цены Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о природе

Kim Kardashian recognized as a style icon

Kim Kardashian wins 2021 Fashion Icon Award American TV star and businesswoman Kim Kardashian wins Fashion Icon Award People's Choice Awards 2021. WWD reports. The 41-year-old has been officially recognized as a style icon for her “keen sense of fashion and trends, entrepreneurial success and solely transforming the industry through innovative design and unique style.” “In almost two decades, the evolution of Kim Kardashian's style has influenced the fashion industry at the global level,” said the CEO of E! News Jen Neal. She will receive the award on December 7 during a telecast on NBC and E !. It is noted that the reality TV star will become the fourth holder of the honorary title. In addition to her, Victoria Beckham, Tracey Ellis Ross and Gwen Stefani were honored. In November, Kim Kardashian's appearance at Paris Hilton's wedding was criticized online. The businesswoman wore a black long dress with a

Russian immunologist named the risk group for the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Immunologist Kryuchkov said that children are more at risk of contracting the omicron strain The new omicron strain of coronavirus turned out to be dangerous not only for the elderly, but also for children. This risk group was named by the immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov, his words are quoted by “Moscow 24”. “If we talk about the peculiarities, now children under 2 years of age are more at risk than before. and adults from 20 to 39 years old, “the specialist said. In addition, he noted that it is too early to talk about a mild course of the disease when infected with a new strain, since the sample of people on whom the studies were conducted included only young people. Earlier, the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, said that Russians need to be careful about travel on New Year's holidays due to the spread of the omicron

Russian immunologist named the risk group for the omicron-strain of coronavirus

Immunologist Kryuchkov said that children are more at risk of contracting the omicron strain The new omicron strain of coronavirus turned out to be dangerous not only for the elderly, but also for children. This risk group was named by the immunologist, Ph.D. Nikolay Kryuchkov, his words are quoted by “Moscow 24”. “If we talk about the peculiarities, now children under 2 years of age are more at risk than before. and adults from 20 to 39 years old, “the specialist said. In addition, he noted that it is too early to talk about a mild course of the disease when infected with a new strain, since the sample of people on whom the studies were conducted included only young people. Earlier, the chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, said that Russians need to be careful about travel on New Year's holidays due to the spread of the omicron