Described the harm of non-original chargers

Store founder Roman Kusakin listed the disadvantages of fake chargers

Fake chargers can reduce smartphone battery life. The founder of Roman Kusakin said this in a conversation with

Kusakin noted that in addition to official chargers, there are non-original charging accessories on the market. The specialist listed the potential harm from such devices – for example, too slow charging of the gadget, incorrect indication of the battery level. The author noted that the service life of the smartphone may also decrease.

“For a non-original charger, the declared characteristics may differ from the real ones,” the specialist emphasized. According to Kusakin, when choosing the described charger, you need to choose an accessory with the appropriate voltage, which should be the same as that of the original charger. “If a smartphone supports fast charging, a special selection is required for the compatibility of the charger and smartphone technology, as well as voltage and current, which are indicated in several combinations,” the author summed up.

In mid-November, representatives of M.Video- Eldorado ”reported that sales of network and wireless charging accessories in Russia have grown at a record. In the nine months of 2021, Russian consumers bought 4.5 million devices for charging for about five billion rubles.

