The speaker paid his court-appointed penalty in the amount of 130 million rubles MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. Former Minister of economic development of Russia Alexei Ulyukayev, who was sentenced to eight years in prison for taking bribes, paid assigned by the verdict of the Zamoskvoretsky court a fine in the amount of 130 million rubles. TASS said the lawyer Larisa Kashtanova. Upstairs “The savings Bank has transferred the money to the bailiffs, there are all the required amount,” she said. 15 December 2017, the court sentenced the speaker to eight years in prison and a fine of 130 million rubles. He was convicted of receiving a bribe the head of “Rosneft” Igor Sechin in the amount of $2 million Itself the speaker in court repeatedly declared that became a victim of provocation. According to the defence, the former Minister received from the head of “Rosneft” a bag with $2 million
Day: December 10, 2018
In Paris rioters on trial
In Paris rioters on trial Arrested robbers Museum, the arc de Triomphe. Наверх18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий The Prosecutor of Paris, Remy ATZ today announced the arrest of a 14th suspect in the defeat and plunder of the Museum of the arc de Triomphe during the demonstrations of the “yellow jackets” on 1 December. With details — the correspondent of “Kommersant” Alexei Tarkhanov. The looting of the Museum the triumphal arch of the Star, opening the entrance to the Elysian Fields, happened almost live. When on 1 December at the square there were clashes with police, shot with multiple cameras, a group of rioters hacked upholstered bronze door and stormed inside. Viewers saw the vandals open the grinder a display of exhibits and the gift shop, with sledgehammers smashing the famous sculpture by françois Ruud (though not the originals, but valuable plaster casts of the XIX century), architectural models of the 1930-ies. President of

The EU imposed sanctions because of the elections in the Donbass
The EU imposed sanctions because of the elections in the Donbass The European Union added to the sanctions list of nine people because of the elections in the breakaway republics of Donbass — the Donetsk people’s Republic (DNR) and Luhansk national Republic (LNR). Upstairs The list is published in the official journal of the European Union. In it, in particular, appears Leonid beekeeper who is on the voting results became the leader of the LC. In addition to beekeeper on the list — Mr Bedika and Denis Miroshnichenko, chairmen of the legislative authorities of the DNI and LC, in which elections were held. Also under the restrictive measures were the chairmen of Central election commissions of the republics and Olga Pozdnyakova Elena Kravchenko. The sanctions involve travel restrictions and asset freezes in the EU. On 5 December, the sanctions were approved at the level of permanent representatives of the EU,

In the U.S. Congress thought the possible impeachment of trump
In the U.S. Congress thought the possible impeachment of trump Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Democrats in the House of representatives of the U.S. Congress can raise the issue of holding hearings on the impeachment of President Donald trump, said the legislator Jarrold Nadler. Upstairs According to the Congressman, the us leader “has surrounded himself with crooks” and was part of a broader “conspiracy against the American people” to win elections in 2016, said the radio station “Voice of America”. She noted that the Democrat from new York, Nadler is likely to become Chairman of the legal Committee of the house of representatives, when in January of next year, the control of the Democrats. NewsLawyer Donald trump warned about the uprising in the case of impeachment Nadler told CNN that lawmakers must decide “how important” the charges against trump, but the charges with the purpose of impeachment should move forward “only

Peskov confirmed that Putin’s decision to move the capital of the Far East
Peskov confirmed that Putin’s decision to move the capital of the Far East President Vladimir Putin has supported the transfer of the capital of the far Eastern Federal district (FEFD) from Khabarovsk to Vladivostok, according to “RIA Novosti” with reference to press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. Upstairs This proposal appealed to the President of acting Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako, reported RBC and Kommersant. Kozhemyako emphasized that for “all its history Vladivostok was the center of the Far East”, and Primorsky Krai is the leader of economic development of the region. The region accounts for 20% of GRP and 30% of the population of the County, he pointed out. According to Kozhemyako, the transfer of the capital of the far Eastern Federal district in Vladivostok “will give consistency to the outbreak in the province’s economic and social transformation”, as well as contribute to the implementation
Unexpected discoveries in the constellation Taurus: how planets are born
Unexpected discoveries in the constellation Taurus: how planets are born Astronomers examined young stars in the constellation Taurus and tried to figure out how protoplanetary disks are formed from the future of the planet and other celestial bodies. Upstairs By studying young stars in the Taurus constellation, astronomers trying to understand how to develop our own Solar system. About 4.6 billion years ago, it was a whirlwind of gas and dust surrounding the newborn sun. In the early stages of development of this so-called “protoplanetary disk” did not have any hallmarks, but gradually matter began to condense and form planets. The more these clots absorbed substance, the more it changed the drive: over time, he became the familiar planets, moons, asteroid belts and comets just. This scenario of formation of the Solar system, scientists are based on data collected from observations of younger stars. Using the ALMA array in the
Sunk into the abyss. The mysterious disappearance of ships
Sunk into the abyss. The mysterious disappearance of ships MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti, Nikolai Protopopov. Hundreds and thousands of missing sailors, the search and the eternal stigma of “Ghost ship” — in the history of sailing the World’s oceans took many lives. With the development of communications and radar to find and to assist in distress became easier. But the disappearance happen in our time, and some ships are only detected after years. Upstairs RIA Novosti presents a selection of five ships, gone nowhere. The submarine “San Juan” The relationship with the Argentinean diesel submarine “San Juan” ended on 15 November 2017, four days after the release to the exercises. At this point, she was 430 miles from the coast. During the last radio session aboard submarines reported about the problems with batteries that are flooded with water through the ventilation system. On Board there was a fire,
To call the Kremlin
To call the Kremlin How does telephone communication between the kings and presidents. Upstairs Recently, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko complained that immediately after the border incident in the Kerch Strait, he failed to reach the Russian colleague Vladimir Putin. In Moscow confirmed that a telephone conversation between the leaders did not take place in the near future the Kremlin is not planned. This case once again raised questions about how, exactly, is going on telephone communication between the heads of States and governments, how it is protected and how the bullies the media from time to time manage to get through to the world’s most important people. RIA Novosti found the answers. “Call me, call me” The fact that Poroshenko “not phoned” Putin in the practice of international relations is rare, but it happens. And this, of course, is not about what the President dialed the number, and

Australia was declared wanted by the daring thieves of garlic
Australia was declared wanted by the daring thieves of garlic In an Australian Cockatoo, Victoria, searching for criminals who stole the garlic in the amount of 15 thousand Australian dollars (718 thousand rubles). This writes ABC News. Upstairs Unidentified thieves dug up 400 kilos of onions when to harvest was only a week. “The night before, the farm owner heard the dog barking and looked out, but saw nothing, — tells the police officer Carolyn hill (Carolyn Hill). The next day she went around the farm and saw that night, someone harvested all the garlic”. NewsWhy in Romania, so I love garlic The police doubt that the crime will manage to solve without the assistance of the public. Hill encourages vigilant citizens to report people with lots of garlic, but recognizes that alliaceous plant could be lost. “Another option is that the bulbs are again planted,” she says. The victim

FAS filed a case after the appeal of the FSB about the overpricing in the procurement of Regardie
FAS filed a case after the appeal of the FSB about the overpricing in the procurement of Regardie Moscow. 10 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) confirmed to Interfax the fact of application of the FSB on possible violations of the law on the state defense order for supply of food of National guard troops. Upstairs “The appeal of the FSB entered in the FAS under the heading “For official use”, therefore a press-service FAS is unable to provide comments on this issue”, — said the press service of the Department in response to the question of “Interfax”. Earlier on Monday, the media holding “RBC” with reference to its sources reported that in November of this year FAS after treatment, FSB, filed a case about signs of violations of the law on the state defense order for supply of products Regardie meat-packing plant “Friendship of peoples”. “The text