To call the Kremlin

To call the Kremlin

How does telephone communication between the kings and presidents.


Recently, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko complained that immediately after the border incident in the Kerch Strait, he failed to reach the Russian colleague Vladimir Putin. In Moscow confirmed that a telephone conversation between the leaders did not take place in the near future the Kremlin is not planned.

This case once again raised questions about how, exactly, is going on telephone communication between the heads of States and governments, how it is protected and how the bullies the media from time to time manage to get through to the world’s most important people. RIA Novosti found the answers.

“Call me, call me”

The fact that Poroshenko “not phoned” Putin in the practice of international relations is rare, but it happens. And this, of course, is not about what the President dialed the number, and the President of Russia does not answer the phone or dropped calls.

Telephone conversation between senior officials precedes a number of mandatory procedures, and preparing this conversation no less carefully than face-to-face negotiations.

“As a rule, offer to “talk by phone” is transmitted by the interested party through the diplomatic channel — through the foreign Ministry or foreign mission, i.e. Embassy,” says RIA Novosti Vladimir Shevchenko, ten years head of the Kremlin Protocol service — when Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Russian President Boris Yeltsin.

Making such a proposal, indicate the contact time and the topic of conversation. Can be given an indicative list of issues proposed to discuss, although diplomatic ethics and is not required by this mandatory.

“What secretaries usually ask executives: “what question?” — officers of the Protocol you are unlikely to hear,” grins Shevchenko.

However, in recent years, ideas about diplomatic ethics quite moved, he said.

“The subscriber is unavailable”

Consistent not only subjects of conversation and call time. If the proposed time does not suit a party, which invited to conversation, the voice of your option. Causes indicate variety: the tight schedule, the lack of leadership in the area of access, the state of his health. But all this actually can be an occasion to transfer a call or to refuse communication.

However, be refused without explanation — for example, with the phrase “sorry, the conversation can not take place”. This, according to Vladimir Shevchenko, occurs when “caller unavailable” simply do not see the point of contact, considers it useless, or even harmful. Here and Vladimir Putin explained the failure to communicate with Petro Poroshenko unwillingness to participate in his campaign.

“Harmonization of a telephone conversation may take only a few hours, but a few days — all depends on the situation”, — says head of the Department of diplomacy of MGIMO Alexander Panov, former Russian Ambassador to South Korea, Japan, Norway and the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs.

The specific situation” is the density of the work schedule of the heads of States, the possible disagreements on the agenda of the conversation and personal relationship managers: friendly-trustworthy, neutral, strained or even hostile.Alexander Anousavari the Department of diplomacy of MGIMO

However, conversations with leaders of countries with which Russia has a lot of disagreements occurred and are occurring regularly.

And Alexander Panov, and Vladimir Shevchenko emphasize: all of the above has nothing to do with special emergency cases, when managers need an urgent communication to the hotline. Then they quickly, without discussions, enter into negotiations. Such a channel connects the Kremlin and the White house, and before all the leaders of the “Big seven”. In addition, between Moscow and Washington has opened a hot line in text mode.

People on the line

