In London, a 600-ton floating sculpture of 7500 barrels American sculptor Hristo Yavashev spent about four million dollars for the creation and installation of his new sculpture titled “London emphasised” (London Mastaba). A giant structure with a height of about 20 meters and weighing nearly 600 tons consists of 7.5 thousand colored barrels. And now she swims in the serpentine lake in Hyde Park. Publication of ISTANBUL’74 (@istanbul74_) 19 Jun 2018 at 1:52 PDT During the download an error has occurred. The idea of a floating sculpture, Christo invented, along with his wife Jeanne-Claude. But the pair was unable to implement his plan — in 2009, the woman died. And now, nine years later, Aushev decided to give life to this project. Publication from Stern Pissarro Gallery (@sternpissarrogallery) Jun 18, 2018 at 7:37 PDT During the download an error has occurred.The author of the project, the sculptor Hristo Yavashev According