Chinese “Dino hunter” found hundreds of their tracks

Chinese “Dino hunter” found hundreds of their tracks

Thanks to this discovery, the scientists were able to learn something new.

Archaeologist enthusiast Tang Yonggang made an amazing discovery in the area of Li Zhuang (district, Chinatown in the Eastern China), a place where there are traces of at least seven different types of dinosaurs. It is reported that the fossil site was formed about 1.2 million years ago and it went ancient reptiles from 50 centimeters to 10 meters in length.

China’s ‘dinosaur hunter’ discovers ‘unprecedented’ 1.2 million-year-old fossil site

— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) June 19, 2018

Interestingly, his discovery Yonggang did in 2015, when he studied the area with his friend collectors of antiquities Liu Yang. And though about his discovery he reported to competent authorities, scientists got here only in 2017.

The group, consisting of international experts have carefully studied the area with preserved traces and finally talked about their discoveries to journalists.

It turned out that the footprints belong to several different groups of dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous, which include both carnivores and herbivores.

The head of the Institute of Geology and paleontology of Linyi University Professor Wang Xiaoli said that never before in this area has not been found a single skeleton of a dinosaur, but because a plot with multiple traces shocked absolutely everyone.

Now, thanks to the discovery, the scientists can determine which reptiles walked here millions of years ago.

However , the greatest discovery experts call found traces of dinosaurs of the genus Deinonychus (Deinonychus antirrhopus). Previously it was thought that these animals were loners, however, found a group of several parallel prints suggests that it was herd animals.

