Pavel Durov
The founder of the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov on his page in “Vkontakte” on Monday, June 26, commented on the statement of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov, who accused him of “demonstration of legal nihilism” and unwillingness to provide security services “the keys to information.”
“This requirement is not only contrary to the 23rd article of the Constitution about the right to privacy of correspondence, but also demonstrates ignorance of how the encrypted communication in 2017,” — said Durov.
He explained that the exchange of classified information to date is based on the terminal encryption, which means the owners of the messengers may not have “the keys to decrypt”. “These keys are stored only on devices of the users. Although the Telegram was a pioneer of this technology, today endpoint encryption using all popular instant messengers including WhatsApp, Viber, iMessage and even Facebook Messenger,” said the founder of Telegram.
The actor also expressed confidence that the lock of the messenger “does not complicate the task of terrorists and drug dealers”. “To defeat terrorism through blocking, need to block the Internet,” he said.
25 Jun Zharov said that to lock Telegram a few days left, and Roskomnadzor is attempting to use “the last possibility of communication and dialogue.” “The failure of Mr. Durov to provide the keys to information all the intelligence agencies of the world — as far as I know, the terrorists continue to kill with impunity people using this channel of communication,” he said.
On 16 may it became known that Roskomnadzor sent to the administration of Telegram letter with a request to provide the data necessary for inclusion in the register of the organizers of disseminating information. However, the administration of the messenger still Telegram no information provided. In this regard, Zharov said that the service should be blocked in Russia if the answer from him will not follow.
After this Telegram, the administration announced support for proxy servers for SOCKS5 Protocol in the upcoming update for our Android app. This Protocol will allow the messenger, by default, forward packets of user data to its servers using proxy servers is to bypass restrictions future.