The CPS advises traveling to Europe for the Russians to be vaccinated against hepatitis A because of gay pride parades

The CPS advises traveling to Europe for the Russians to be vaccinated against hepatitis A because of gay pride parades

Rospotrebnadzor recommends that the Russians traveling to Europe to be vaccinated against hepatitis A, since the region, according to the European centre for control and prevention of diseases (ECDC), with increasing incidence of this type of hepatitis.

The Council to be vaccinated, the Agency explains that from June to September of this year in Europe will be held several national and international LGBT events including the world festival of LGBT people in Madrid (June 23-July 2), which can take up to 2 million people.

“Although the risk of transmission of hepatitis A virus in food and waterways in Spain is assessed as low or moderate, the probability of contact transmission of infection from person to person is high,” adds the Agency.

Most cases of hepatitis a “was among men who practice sex with men”, says the CPS, resulting, for example, the data of the health authorities of Portugal and of the Department of health of new York.

Russian service reports that the outbreak of hepatitis A is of particular concern to the who from the point of view of public health due to shortage of vaccine against hepatitis A worldwide.

