Russian hackers accused of hacking attempt on the US presidential election in 21 States

The U.S. Department of homeland security announced that hackers from Russia tried to hack the system of counting votes in the presidential election in 21 States of the USA. About it reports Reuters.

As told representatives of the Senate intelligence Committee, Deputy assistant Secretary for cybersecurity, DHS Janet Manfre, “Russian hackers” the goal is not reached: there is no evidence of an incorrect vote count. What are the States in question Manfre refused to say what had caused sharp discontent of senators.

Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election with the help of hackers. American journalists and officials asserted that they allegedly kidnapped the correspondence of the Democrats, and later posted on the Internet, and tried to penetrate into the electronic system of counting of votes. U.S. intelligence agencies have described these actions as a large-scale operation designed to help Donald Trump win the fight for the presidency and blacken his rival, the representative of the Democrats Hillary Clinton. Moscow denies such accusations. President Vladimir Putin did not rule out that the mysterious hackers could be based in the United States.

