In the suburbs the year I will sow more than 900 damaged houses

Moscow authorities reported on the implementation of the four-year program on resettlement of citizens from emergency housing. About it reports TV channel “360” on Tuesday, June 20.

“In 2017, 18 municipal districts and urban districts of the region should be resettled 920 residential premises with a total area of 37.2 thousand square meters of dilapidated housing, which will provide comfortable housing 2373 citizen,” — said the Minister of construction complex of the region Sergey Pakhomov.

For these purposes the regional budget will transfer 3.4 billion rubles, municipalities — one billion.

In total, for 2016-2019 it is planned to relocate more than 16 thousand people and release 6.6 thousand residential buildings, recognized the emergency.

For the project the government will allocate 11.4 billion rubles, of which 8.8 billion will be spent from the regional budget. Fall under the program of the dwelling, which was in disrepair in 2015, says the publication.

