Biker Surgeon about U.S. sanctions:



The leader of the biker club “Night wolves” Alexander Zaldostanov (known as the Surgeon) emotionally and imaginatively commented on the introduction of US sanctions against the organization “Wolf”, and stressed that the club has no accounts in foreign banks.

The U.S. Treasury introduced Tuesday in the sanctions list of 38 persons and organizations, including “two Russian civil servants” and their two assistants. Among other restrictive measures imposed against the organization which, according to the Ministry, belongs to the Russian biker club “Night wolves”, has long included in the black list. We are talking about security holding “the Wolf”, which the Ministry of Finance appears as a Wolf Holding of Security Structures. Under the sanctions also got its President Gennady Nikolov.

“Woke up late, woke up late. The Generalissimo, even with the light they already sent a messenger – I mean. We will not stop,” – said Zaldostanov TASS.

“They rage primarily from the fact that there are no accounts in foreign banks we have, not a single penny earned by us, we brought in offshore” – said the leader of the biker club. “This is probably the most obsessed”, he concluded.

