The CPS found eight thousand violations in children’s camps

In children’s recreation camps found more than eight thousand violations during the inspection conducted by the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

The violations relate to nutrition, children, material and technical equipment of health establishments and violations in the control of the utility. Specialists of the Department supervise their elimination.

For more than 39 thousand health institutions began their work in the first place. According to authorities, there drove more than 2.7 million children. Of the 290 institutions, which were previously identified violations have not opened only five.

In addition, the experts found that the five camps worked without notifying the authorities, their activities have been suspended.

Mass checks of children’s camps throughout Russia began after the death of 14 children in the camp “Park hotel Syamozero” in June 2016. After the incident the facility had been closed, and the attitude of the leadership was prosecuted.

