Prosecutors in two States in court will find out the legality of the income of the trump

The attorneys General of Maryland Karl Racine (Racine, Karl) and the district of Columbia Brian Frosch (Brian Frosh) plan on Monday to file a lawsuit on President Donald trump. According to The Washington Post, they suspect him of violating anti-corruption article of the Constitution, and that he after his inauguration, “received millions from foreign governments”. The first of its kind lawsuit against state officials based on the fact that trump has decided to retain ownership of his company, when he became President. Even before taking office, the billionaire said that he passes his business to the management of the sons, to resolve a conflict of interest, but prosecutors allege that trump continues to receive reports about their assets. If a Federal judge will move the case, the attorneys General will first require to uncover from trump to disclose tax reporting in order to assess the degree of foreign trade transactions.

The number of victims of the accident with the pilgrims in Transbaikalia reached 12 people

The number of victims of the accident with the pilgrims on the route Irkutsk — Chita in Transbaikalia has grown to 12 people. It is reported TASS with reference to regional Ministry of health. It was said that the woman died during transport in Buryatia. Earlier it was reported about 11 victims — nine women and two men. After the accident in the hospital were delivered to 34 people in heavy and extremely a grave condition. KIA Granbird bus overturned in the district on the night of June 11 in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district, seven kilometers West of the village of Hohoto on 702-m kilometer of the highway “Baikal”. Presumably, the driver lost control. 10 people died on the spot, another man died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The police opened a criminal case on violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles. Earlier, the interior Ministry of

Chinese aircraft emergency landing due to hole in the turbine

Chinese aircraft emergency landing due to hole in the turbine Moscow. June 12. INTERFAX.RU — the Airbus A330 of China Eastern made an emergency landing in Sydney due to problems with the engine, reported The Guardian. Airliner pilots were forced to return about an hour after takeoff because the cabin began a strong noise. After landing revealed that the left turbine formed a big hole. #ChinaEastern flight #MU736 returns after engine fault detected after take-off from Sydney, no casualties — China Xinhua News (@XHNews) June 11, 2017 UPDATE: @ChinaEasternNA #MU736 SYD-PVG suffered serious engine failure after takeoff from @SydneyAirport.Pic: @ChinaAvReview@Flight_NEWS24 — Shastitaren (@Shastitaren4) 11 Jun 2017 As a result of incident nobody has suffered. Causes of damage are still unknown. The plane carried out flight Sydney — Shanghai.

General staff: the civil war in Syria is stopped

Photo: RIA Novosti The civil war in Syria actually stopped, said the head of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of armed forces Colonel-General Sergey rudskoy. “Dramatically for the better the situation has changed following the signing on 4 may 2017 in Astana a Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation in the Syrian Arab Republic. Actually stopped the civil war in Syria. In addition, the operationalization of the Memorandum allowed to begin work on rebuilding war-torn communities, not employed by terrorist organizations,” he said. Rudskoy noted that the population returned to their liberated cities and towns, are actively restored, households, energy supply facilities, transport hubs and roads, filled with water channels for irrigation of agricultural land. Four rounds of meetings on the Syrian settlement were held at the site of “Astana” on 23-24 January, 15-16 February, 14-15 March, and 3-4 may. The main result was the approval

The Committee recommended the state Duma to return the bill Milonova on social networks

Photo: RIA Novosti The state Duma Committee on information policy has recommended the return of Deputy Vitaly Milonova (EP) his bill on regulation of social networks, which proposes to prohibit the registration in social networks to children up to 14 years and to require all other users to provide when you register personal data. The head of the profile Committee of the state Duma Leonid Levin expressed hope that United Russia will hold off on the re-introduction of the draft law and pointed out that the subject of the document is different from the traditional areas of interest Milonova. “Our Committee recommends to the Council of the state Duma to return the bill to the Deputy Milonova in connection with the compliance with article 104 of the Constitution and item 105 of the rules of the Duma, which refers to whether the conclusions of the government in introducing bills that

The party of the President of France has taken the lead on elections in Parliament

Continued: the party of the Makron defeated in the first round of the French Parliament The movement of “go Republic!” President of France Emmanuel Makron gaining the highest number of votes in the first round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament — approx. “Of the”). About it reports Reuters with reference to the MIA of the Republic after the partial vote count. The Pro-presidential movement “Go Republic!” Rules on elections to the National Assembly after counting 75 percent of votes, gaining 26.9 percent. The centre-right party “the Republicans” — 15,8 per cent, “national front” marine Le Pen 14.4%, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — 10.6 percent, the center-left socialist party — 7.5%. The results shown by party Rules say that the citizens support the policy of Emmanuel Macron, both domestically and internationally. This statement was made by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. “France is back. Next Sunday,

Senator Graham spoke about the plans of Congress to “punish russsky”

Lindsey Graham Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told about the plans of the Congress to pass another bill to toughen anti-Russian sanctions. He stated on CBS News. According to him, the document will be considered on Capitol hill this week. It refers to “the punishment of Russian interference in the political process in the United States and around the world.” “There is compelling evidence that Russia is trying to destroy democracy here and abroad,” said Graham, adding that if the President trump will refuse to sign the paper, he “betray democracy. We will not restore relations with Russia before it will punish her for the attempted destruction of democracy. And it starts with new sanctions”, — said the politician. The Senator said that he sees no evidence claiming trump’s ties with Moscow during the election campaign of 2016. “He can’t secretly agree with their government. Why do you think that he

The party of Makron defeated in the first round of the French Parliament

Emmanuel macron, with his wife Bridget The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Go Republic!” won in the first round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament — approx. “Of the”). Final data are published on the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. The Pro-presidential movement has gained 28.21% of the vote, center-right “Republicans” took 15.77 percent, “national front” marine Le Pen of 13.20 percent, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — of 11.02 percent, the center-left socialist party — 7,44% of the votes. Came to areas less than half of the French — of 48.71 percent, which is the lowest figure in the history of elections to the national Assembly. Even before the announcement of the final results, Prime Minister édouard Philippe stated, as demonstrated by the party of the Makron, the results indicate that citizens support the President’s policies both

The party of Makron defeated in the first round of the French Parliament

Emmanuel macron, with his wife Bridget The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Go Republic!” won in the first round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament — approx. “Of the”). Final data are published on the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the country. The Pro-presidential movement has gained 28.21% of the vote, center-right “Republicans” took 15.77 percent, “national front” marine Le Pen of 13.20 percent, “Rebellious France,” Jean-Luc Mélenchon — of 11.02 percent, the center-left socialist party — 7,44% of the votes. Came to areas less than half of the French — of 48.71 percent, which is the lowest figure in the history of elections to the national Assembly. Even before the announcement of the final results, Prime Minister édouard Philippe stated, as demonstrated by the party of the Makron, the results indicate that citizens support the President’s policies both

SK said, data on victims of large road accident in Transbaikalia

The investigative Committee of Russia on Transbaikalian edge have told the details of large road accident on the route Irkutsk — Chita “Baikal”. On the Agency’s website reported that of the 11 victims in an accident with a passenger bus nine women. In SC specified that as a result of a rollover bus KIA Granbird 10 people were killed on the spot, another man died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. The investigators added that injured more than 20 people. Earlier in the Ministry of health stated that the hospital delivered 34 people in heavy and extremely a grave condition. SK of Russia on Transbaikalian edge has started preliminary examination under article “services that do not meet safety requirements”. The interior Ministry of Russia sent from Moscow a group of traffic police officers to clarify the circumstances of the accident. In the Central district hospital of the