Almost 80 percent of Russians called themselves patriots

Almost 80 percent of Russians called themselves patriots According to the FOM survey, 78 percent of Russians consider themselves patriots, which is 21 percent more than in 2006. Thus, 39 out of every hundred of the respondents believe that to say so in public is not good. Half of respondents believe that love of country is instilled focused on Patriotic education. According to the survey of Fund “Public opinion”, 78 percent of Russians consider themselves patriots, which is 21 percent more than in 2006, reports “Interfax”. 39 out of every hundred of the respondents believe that to say so in public is not good. And 59 percent believe the opposite. Half of the respondents believe that love of country is instilled focused on Patriotic education. That patriotism awakens in people for other reasons, says 41 percent of respondents. Among the mandatory requirements to the patriots often referred to the love

Lavrov refused to “respond to everyone” about the anti-Russian sanctions

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov refused to comment on the statements of American politicians about the possible strengthening of sanctions against Moscow. The diplomat’s words leads TASS. “What will it take for everyone to react?” — Lavrov said, noting that he is not a medical expert. About the plans of us lawmakers to toughen anti-Russian sanctions on June 11 told a member of the U.S. Senate Lindsey Graham. According to him, the document will be adopted by the upper house this week. The US impose on Russia responsible for a series of cyber attacks perpetrated during the election campaign against American political organizations. January 6 was published declassified version of the report prepared by the CIA, FBI and NSA, in which he argued that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally ordered to organize a campaign in order to influence U.S. elections and to achieve victory

Qatar has hired the former US attorney General to protect against accusations of terrorism

John Ashcroft The Qatari government has paid $ 2.5 million to a law firm owned by former US attorney General John Ashcroft, who headed the Supervisory authority during the presidency of George W. Bush. About it reports NBC News. American lawyers must assess and document the efforts of the Qatari authorities in the fight against international terrorism. According to the TV channel, Ashcroft will participate in this work. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. Representatives of the countries accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in the Arab States, as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including Islamic state and “al-Qaeda” (both group banned in Russia). Later also joined the boycott Yemen, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mauritania, Union of Comoros.

Kim Jong-Nam was suspected of working for U.S. intelligence

Kim Jong-Nam Killed the brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Us could cooperate with us intelligence. The Asahi reported, citing Malaysian sources. According to the newspaper, at survey of things of the deceased was found a large sum of money: four packs of 30 thousand dollars each. Thus, the investigators, the victim didn’t currency in any of the local banks. In this regard, the Malaysian experts have suggested that the money was received from some Americans, which is allegedly linked with US intelligence. This version is also corroborated by the fact that this citizen of the United States, Kim Jong, We met several times previously. Thus to commit the murder of the brother of North Korean leader could the special services of the DPRK to shut him up. On 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur, was killed by a citizen of North Korea with passport in the

A victim of a bus accident near Tomsk was a baby

In the Tomsk region on the track turned over bus with passengers. On Monday, June 12, according to the regional Department of the MIA. The accident occurred at about 12 p.m. local time (9:00 GMT) on the highway Tomsk — Kolpashevo. According to preliminary information, the driver of the bus lost control. Killing a five month old baby, 17 people were injured. At the scene police work. All circumstances of incident are established. In fact, an accident review. “Interfax” said that 15 injured were hospitalized. On the night of June 12, near the village of Hahotou overturned bus with pilgrims returning from the procession. 10 people died on the spot, two more died later.

Supporters of the opposition in Moscow was allowed to walk on Tver without posters

The Metropolitan police will not hinder the walking of opposition supporters on Tverskaya street, if they’ll do without banners and slogans. On Monday, June 12, reported the radio station “Echo Moscow” the chief of city Department of regional security and counteraction of corruption Vladimir Chernikov. He reminded that on Monday in the Tver held celebrations in honor of Day of Russia. “If citizens can walk and show solidarity with the majority of people who come to celebrate the Day of Russia, all will be well. If they become “special” feelings for the police to notice them,” — said Chernikov. In an interview with “Interfax”, he advised the citizens to refrain from participation in uncoordinated rallies, as police will apply to them strict measures. The action of opposition dedicated to the Day of Russia, agreed on Sakharov Avenue. It was assumed that it will also be attended by the opponents of

In the state Duma considered a fantastic idea Klimkin on the mode of entry of Russians to Ukraine

Mikhail Emelyanov The proposal of the head of the foreign Ministry of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin to oblige the Russians to inform the authorities about your visit does not fit well into the existing international practice. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy of the state Duma from fraction “Fair Russia” Mikhail Emelyanov, reports RIA Novosti. “The Ukrainian authorities in recent years, different extravagant proposals that do not fit in the international practice. This is one of them. I don’t know, somewhere in the world this system was used and worked,” — said the MP. “It is need a very complicated mechanism to work — notification, registration notice. This is some fantastic proposals,” he added. Materials on теме00:08 — may 23Visas at will vodauthority Ukraine from Russia’s iron curtain According to Emelyanova, the introduction of a visa regime between Ukraine and Russia is impossible at all desire of the Kiev authorities,

The number of victims in road accident with bus in the Tomsk region has increased to 24

The number of victims in road accident with bus in the Tomsk region has increased to 24 TOMSK, June 12 — RIA Novosti. The number of victims in road accident with bus in the Tomsk region has increased to 24, reported RIA Novosti SUCK in the Tomsk region. Earlier it was reported about 17 injured. The accident killed a child. “According to preliminary data, 24 people died, including five-month-old child. Investigators went to the scene,” — said the Agency senior assistant administrator of investigatory management SKR across the Tomsk region Elena Lebedev. Earlier in a press-service UMVD of the Russian Federation in the Tomsk region reported that the bus overturned on 261-m kilometer of the highway Tomsk-Kolpashevo (near the village of Sogot). According to preliminary information, the driver of the bus lost control, he fell over. Just in the bus there were 27 people.

Navalny was detained at the entrance of his house

Navalny was detained at the entrance of his house Opposition leader Alexei Navalny, one of the organizers of the unauthorized rally on Tverskaya street in Moscow, was detained in the entrance of his house. The entry about this appeared in Twitter’s policy, it left the Bulk wife — Julia. “Alexei was detained at the entrance of the house. He said to tell you that plans don’t change: Tver,” wrote the wife of the opposition leader. Hi. This Is Yulia Navalny. All the holiday. Alexei was detained at the entrance of the house. He said to tell you that plans don’t change: Tver. — Alexey Navalny (@navalny) 12 Jun 2017. In pictures posted on Twitter, Navalny, it is seen that near the house are two police cars and at least eight guards. On The Day Of Russia! — Alexey Navalny (@navalny) 12 Jun 2017. Around noon on Tverskaya street began

Qatar has hired the former US attorney General to protect against accusations of terrorism

Qatar has hired the former US attorney General to protect against accusations of terrorism The Qatari government has paid $ 2.5 million to a law firm owned by former US attorney General John Ashcroft, who headed the Supervisory authority during the presidency of George W. Bush. About it reports NBC News. American lawyers must assess and document the efforts of the Qatari authorities in the fight against international terrorism. According to the TV channel, Ashcroft will participate in this work. 5 June Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE announced the rupture of diplomatic relations with Qatar. Representatives of the countries accused Doha of destabilizing the political situation in the Arab States, as well as in support of terrorist organizations, including Islamic state and “al-Qaeda” (both group banned in Russia). Later also joined the boycott Yemen, Libya, Maldives, Mauritius, Mauritania, Union of Comoros.