The guards counted who bezveza with the EU Ukrainians

The guards counted who bezveza with the EU Ukrainians The border with the countries-members of the European Union without visas crossed over 1.3 thousand Ukrainians. Such information Sunday, June 11, the State border service of Ukraine, reports “Interfax-Ukraine”. It was said that for crossing the border 71 percent of travelers used the road crossings, another 29 percent took the plane. There are also reports that five Ukrainians were denied entry into the European Union. One of them had a ban on visits to Commonwealth countries, two in the past, exceeded the permissible period of stay in the EU, two others (including minors) “had no visa in the passport of the old sample”. “In Cologne recorded case of the inability of a citizen of Ukraine to argue the purpose of the trip, but thanks to the Consul, the situation was resolved,” — said the border guard. Earlier on June 11 in

Republicans called for an end to the investigation “Russian trace” in the campaign trump

Republicans called for an end to the investigation “Russian trace” in the campaign trump Moscow. June 11. INTERFAX.RU — the Investigation against the alleged ties of the campaign headquarters of U.S. President Donald trump with Russia should be stopped, said the head of the national Committee of the Republican party (NCRP) Ronna McDaniel. “I call for the termination of the investigation (.. .) relations campaign of the President of trump with the Russians. No evidence of this. I don’t think it should continue”, — she declared in interview to TV channel Fox News. The politician noted that the investigation conducted by the Committee on intelligence of the Senate and house of representatives of the us Congress, similar to the “fishing expedition” — that is attempts of collecting compromising material on the President and his staff.

In the Congo in an attack on the prison escaped prisoners 930

In the Congo in an attack on the prison escaped prisoners 930 In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) unknown broke into a prison in the town of Beni in the North-East of the country, resulting in 930 prisoners managed to escape. About it reports Reuters with reference to the Governor. At least 11 people were killed, including eight officers, he said. According to the Governor, the attackers used heavy weapons. He added that authorities imposed a curfew on the city.

Ten people were killed in road accident in Transbaikalia

Ten people were killed in road accident in Transbaikalia The accident occurred in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district at 702-m kilometer of the highway “Baikal”. MOSCOW, CHITA. June 11. /TASS/. The death toll in road accident with bus in the TRANS-Baikal region has risen to 10. This was reported by TASS in Uniform dezhurno-dispatching service of Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district of the province. “Dead at the moment 10 people. There are operational services that get people,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the bus was carrying pilgrims. “I went from village Urluk. These pilgrims, there was a procession,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the Chita diocese, on 10-12 June had planned a traditional pilgrimage to the monastery of St. Barlaam, a hermit Chicago in the village Urluk Krasnochikoyskoe district. Earlier, a source in emergency services told TASS that in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district slid into a ditch and overturned a bus carrying more

In road accident with bus in Transbaikalia killed eight people

In road accident with bus in Transbaikalia killed eight people A passenger bus slid into a ditch and overturned. Moscow. June 11. INTERFAX.RU Eight people died and 25 were injured as a result of overturning a passenger bus in TRANS-Baikal region, told “Interfax” on Sunday a source. “About 20.30 PM in Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district passenger bus slid into a ditch, and then overturned. According to preliminary data, the bus was carrying more than 50 people, including 8 people were killed, 25 people were hospitalized,” — said the Agency interlocutor. “Interfax” does not yet have official confirmation of this information.

Zakharova thanked for the mistake on the banner with the logo of the Ministry of foreign Affairs

Photo: TASS The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the Agency has nothing to do with the production of a banner with a typo – an extra letter “I” in the word “Russian”. She wrote about this on his page in Facebook. We are talking about the poster, against which the June 8 Zakharova held a briefing in Vladivostok. “I would like to sincerely thank the performers of disposable banner with the logo of the foreign Ministry for a briefing in Vladivostok, the Ministry added an additional letter “I”. Neither the organizers of the forum in Vladivostok, nor to the Press service of the foreign Ministry, this “discovery” has nothing to do – distinguished private office,” – said the representative office. Zakharov said that did not notice the error during a briefing, as “the font of the label is very small, not visible from afar”. “Performers

NASA has predicted the rainy Land of the future

NASA has predicted the rainy Land of the future As the heat of the planet’s rainfall in tropical regions will increase. According to a new study, the existing climate models incorrectly predict a number of these precipitation because it does not include a reduction in high-altitude clouds over the tropics, the recent observations of NASA. Details can be found in Nature Communications. High-rise clouds capture heat in the atmosphere, but due to global warming of such clouds becomes smaller. This leads to a cooling of the tropical atmosphere and increase rainfall. The fact is that when water evaporates it becomes water vapour and rises into the atmosphere, it carries heat energy, which evaporates. But when steam reaches the cold upper atmosphere, he condenseries in liquid drops or ice particles, releasing heat and warming the atmosphere. When the temperature of the surface of the Earth experience global shifts of air flow,

Trump called cowardly and illegal conduct of the former Director of the FBI

Donald trump at a press conference in Washington, June 9, 2017. The US President Donald trump called cowardly and illegal conduct of the former Director of the FBI James Comey, who admitted in informing the media about their confidential conversations with the head of state. The President on Sunday, June 11, wrote in his microblog on Twitter. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 11 June 2017, 12:29 The American leader said that the scale of possible leaks from the Komi Republic can be much higher than was known before. The scandal began after Komi Republic, speaking on June 8 in the Senate, admitted that he had informed the media about the content of their conversations with trump. In particular, he gave reporters a copy of the record of a personal interview with the President. According to him, they were driven by the hope that this will force the American authorities to

Qatar has said there is no need for Russia’s help

Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al Thani To date, Qatar does not need Russia’s help. The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Emirate Mohammed bin Abdel Rahman al-Thani said on Sunday, June 11, the TV channel “Russia 24”, reports Вести.Ru. “Russia has offered us help in case we needed them, but at the moment such a need does not arise”, — he said. Al-Thani also said that residents of Qatar have not yet felt the effects of the embargo. “Everyone is living as they lived. Life goes on,” — said the Minister. Yesterday, June 10, al-Thani, held talks in Moscow with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry assured that Moscow is ready to do everything possible for the resolution of the crisis over Qatar. “We maintain contacts with most of the participants of the processes, carried out telephone conversations of the President of the Russian

The British government changes happened

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may has made changes in the government after early parliamentary elections. On Sunday, June 11, writes The Telegraph. According to the newspaper, lost their jobs, the Minister of justice of the Kingdom Trails Elizabeth (Elizabeth Truss) and Minister of work and pensions Damian green (Damian Green). These posts took David Lidington (David Lidington) and David GOK (David Gauke), respectively. Thus green became the first Deputy head of the government. On 10 June the media reported that five members of the British Cabinet (their names are not disclosed) has addressed to the foreign Minister, Boris Johnson, urging them to take the post of Prime Minister is may. Johnson himself called this information nonsense and assured that he supports the head of government. Early parliamentary elections were held in the UK on 8 June. The conservative party won, but lost the ruling majority and lost the chance