The explosion in the Iraqi city of Karbala killed 30 people

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At least 30 people were killed and 35 were injured in a terrorist attack in the Iraqi city of Karbala, situated 100 kilometers South of Baghdad. About it reports The Independent.

According to the edition, the explosive device detonated by a woman bomber. The bomb was hidden under her clothes.

The Shiites believe Kerbela one of their Holy cities, along with after Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and al-Najaf, because here in the year 680 during the battle of Karbala by the soldiers of Yazid Ibn Muawiyah was beheaded Imam Hussein, son of Ali and grandson of prophet Muhammad.

On may 30, about one of the shops in Baghdad detonated an explosive device. The attack killed 11 people. Earlier, on February 16, the victims of the explosion of a car bomb near the used machinery market in Baghdad was 48 people.

