Chaika told about the financing of the Russian opposition from abroad


RIA Novosti

“Open Russia” in 2016, has sent more than $ 1 million to Finance the Russian opposition, said the Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

“Foreign nongovernmental organization “Open Russia”, Institute of “Contemporary Russia” and public-network movement “Open Russia” contained including money Khodorkovsky, through nominees financed electoral activities of the representatives of the Russian opposition, participated in uncoordinated social and political events. Only “Open Russia” in 2016, directed on these purposes more than 1 million dollars”, — said Chaika in the Federation Council.

Earlier, the Prosecutor General declared unwanted in Russia, three foreign NGOs associated with the “Open Russia”, — OR (Otkrytaya Rossia) (“Open Russia”, great Britain), Institute of Modern Russia, Inc. (“the Institute of modern Russia”, USA) and the Open Russia Civic Movement, Open Russia (the Social network movement “Open Russia”, UK).

According to GP, these organizations created at the initiative of the former head of Yukos Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is carried out in Russia “special programs and projects in order to discredit the election results held, recognition of their results illegitimate”.

