Trump asked Tillerson to improve relations with Russia

Rex Tillerson and Donald trump

The President of the United States Donald trump asked his Secretary Rex Tillerson to improve relations with Russia. This was told the head of the state Department, his words, reports Fox News.

“He said quite clearly: to make progress in areas where, in my opinion, progress is possible” — said Tillerson during a speech in Wellington, New Zealand. He noted that the head of state advised him to act in the most useful to business terms and not to hurry. The President, according to Tillerson, believes that the scandal around the “trump ties with Russia” must not interfere with real relationships.

Russia has repeatedly accused of meddling in the US presidential election. Such statements, in particular, contained in the published in January, declassified part of the report, which was prepared by us intelligence agencies. It said that Putin personally instructed to arrange a campaign to discredit the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and win the Republican trump.

