Moscow is ready to negotiate with Washington on Ukraine

Moscow is ready to negotiate with Washington on Ukraine

Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov told “Izvestia” about the intention to strengthen the dialogue with the US on the settlement in Donbass.

Moscow is ready to start bilateral negotiations with Washington over Ukraine. As told “Izvestia” Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, Russia expects soon the US will appoint a curator in the Department of state on this subject. Only after a successor is appointed Victoria Nuland, who was engaged in the Ukraine while Barack Obama may subject the discussion of Ukrainian settlement in America.

Meanwhile, sources of “Izvestiya” in the Russian presidential administration, the role of the chief negotiator from Russia will remain a presidential aide Vladislav Surkov. According to experts and US politicians, the us President, Donald trump is ready to compromise on Ukraine in exchange for concessions from Russia in other matters.

The bilateral dialogue on Ukraine will not be replacing the “Norman Quartet”, but rather, to help the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

However, as told “Izvestia” Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Ryabkov, the main problem is the unwillingness of Kiev to follow them.

— We are not against a more active dialogue with new U.S. administration to resolve the situation in the South-East of Ukraine. Moreover, the Russian side recently repeatedly stressed: only in Washington would appoint a curator of this direction — previously he was the Deputy Secretary of state Victoria Nuland, our part is the willingness to begin substantive discussions on all problems. But that’s not it, and that dialogue with us, while important, cannot substitute for a dialogue between Washington and Kiev. The problem with the implementation of the Minsk agreements associated with the behavior of the Kiev authorities, who clearly lead the line for their breakdown and revision, — told “Izvestia” Sergei Ryabkov.

According to a senior diplomat, “the American colleagues to engage in dialogue with Kiev authorities if really want forward”.

He stressed that the policy of blackmail sanctions in case will not work with Russia. However, Moscow is ready for serious talks with the American side “at the level of high representatives responsible for this.” And as soon as we will start these discussions, Russia will once again bring to our American colleagues our position.

The Washington Post previously reported that Washington intends “to restart the dialogue with Russia on Ukraine”, and the idea is personally supervised by Secretary Rex Tillerson. Donald trump, who during the election campaign made it clear that Ukraine will not be with him in the priority of American foreign policy, apparently decided to take Kiev, the role of a bargaining chip. Republican many times hinted that Syria, North Korea, the Iranian nuclear issue and some other issues a lot more affect US national security than Ukraine. And that’s what it is possible to “sacrifice” in relations with Moscow.

Kiev problems for America — the ideological moment, and for a businessman trump practice was always more important than theory. Therefore, if and to compromise with Moscow, the Ukraine, according to the White house. This “Izvestia” said the Director of the Kiev center of political researches and conflictology Mikhail Pogrebinsky. It is important that Moscow does not think that “deuce” could replace “four”. The “Normandy format” was and remains the main channel of Ukrainian settlement. And the implementation of the Minsk agreements is under the “channel” patronage.

— If the Americans are trying to enter the Ukrainian dossier exclusively as a lawyer Kiev with deliberately generated by the task and understanding of the situation, it is unlikely that this makes a lot of sense. If Washington has a desire to deeply understand a situation, to hear Russia’s arguments, which were previously ignored, and to develop some objective and constructive point of view, dialogue can be useful. There is one thing: blur out the “Normandy format” is to put it under additional threats and risks. And the implementation of the Minsk agreements must be brought to an end. Bilateral dialogue can’t replace the “channel format”, — told “Izvestia” Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

In any case, the intention of Washington to discuss with Moscow, Ukraine — a good sign. A pragmatic view of the new US administration on the majority of the world’s problems gives us hope that the Russian position will not just be listened to and heard.

And bilateral dialogue might have a positive impact on a situation that is already quite a long time is stalled.

Possibly, a constructive approach would give impetus to the implementation of the “Minsk-2” and even breathed new life into the stalled “Normandy format”.

