In Moscow on the street Vavilov passed consistent with the city authorities, the March, which is half an hour from the beginning, joined three thousand people. On Sunday, may 28, reported on the website of the main Directorate of the interior Ministry in the capital.
At the end of the March organizers have planned a rally. Participants of the action protest against the urban policy of the city authorities, in particular against the program of renovation of dilapidated housing.
The protection of public order and security police and Asgardia.
On the eve of a rally against the demolition of Khrushchev passed on Suvorovskaya square in Central administrative district of Moscow. The event attracted about a thousand participants.
In early may, city hall has published a list of the available voting of houses that can be include in the programme of renovation of residential quarters. Just got 4546 objects. The list includes the building of the first period of industrial housing and some other similar homes that are in poor technical condition.
Voting on the issue of renovation was opened for Muscovites on 14 may, it will last until June 15. It can participate as owners of apartments and tenants under agreements sotsnayma.
On the same day in the city organized a rally against the program. According to official data, it was attended by about 8 thousand people, according to unofficial — more than 20 thousand.