Advisor trump made tougher sanctions against Russia
Advisor to Donald trump on economic Affairs stated that the US does not plan to remove the sanctions against Russia and even to tighten. A day earlier, he said that trump does not have a position on anti-Russian sanctions.
The U.S. government does not intend to soften sanctions against Russia and do not rule out possible tightening.
This was stated to journalists on Friday, the economic adviser of the US President Gary Cohn.
“We are not canceling our sanctions against Russia. We might consider them to tighten. The President wants to keep sanctions. And I think he made it clear how Russian can seek their abolition”, — quotes the words Kona Reuters.
On the eve of the Con said that Donald trump has not yet decided on its sanctions policy against Russia. “At the moment we have no position,” said Con, answering the question of what position the anti-Russian sanctions adheres to the administration trump. Then he added that the US President has a “lot of options” of action against Russia.