In the Central children’s world will build a huge pool with beach

The Central children’s world on Lubyanka (CCS) 1 June, children’s day, will celebrate its 60th anniversary massive celebration. In the main atrium build a huge dry pool filled with balls and inflatable toys, said “the” the press service of the CCS.

Events on the occasion of the anniversary will be held under the slogan #TEAR off and will last until 4 June. Every day from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. children and adults will find a rich entertainment program. The music of “Children’s radio” children will be entertained by animators, they will be treated to chocolates, candy and drinks.

In honor of the holiday ZASPORT brand, the official outfitter of the Russian Olympic team, will release a capsule collection of clothing for the whole family and will give all guests special prizes. Just distribute 60 thousand gifts.

Their exclusive collection with the anniversary logo of the Central Children’s Store will also provide brands A LA RUSSE Anastasia Romantsova, CHAPURIN, Alena Kochetkova for Kocheli, Moscow and Ruban.

June 30, 2016, in the CCS there are items for young families. It was noted that young parents attending this Mall with children are also interested in buying electronics, sports equipment, literature and clothing.

