The Indonesian police during the RAID were detained in one of the saunas Jakarta 141 man involved in a gay party. Each of them, including one Briton and a Singaporean, paid for the visit 185 thousand rupees (14 dollars), reports BBC News.
As notes the edition, some detainees are charged with violating the law on pornography. “A few people caught Stripping and masturbating on stage”, — said the representative of police of Jakarta.
He added that the term “pornography” in the country’s legislation has vague wording, so men can be punished for this article, as members of the public show.
In Indonesia, a large part of whose population is Muslim, homosexuality is not officially banned (with the exception of Aceh), but for the dissemination of pornography guilty can receive a prison term of up to 15 years. In Aceh gays are threatened by punishment in the form of a public breaking sticks and whips.