Dmitry Pescitarian: foreign Ministry reacted to sanctions against the Ukrainian “Yandex” and “Vkontakte” Moscow remembers the principle of reciprocity in connection with the sanctions against Kiev in the Russian media. This was reported by press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov. His words to the correspondent “”. “Of course, we are very closely monitoring the situation and, of course, do not forget about the principle of reciprocity,” Peskov said. He said that is not yet ready to say exactly what countermeasures will be taken. “Ukraine is not so much of a certain powerful information resources and using space in the Russian popular media”, he added. 16 may Ukraine entered into force a new package of sanctions. Within the constraints imposed on Mail.Ru Group, banned the social network “Vkontakte” and “Classmates”. In addition, blocked all services of “Yandex”, is restricted to broadcasting and restricted television companies “TV Center”, RBC, RTR, “Star”,