NYT: Donald trump is losing the support of Republicans in the U.S. Senate
Republicans in the U.S. Senate amid falling popularity of Donald trump begin to show their distrust of the President, The New York Times reported. It appears that they are trying to protect his political career, defending the traditional Republican values instead of the President’s program.
Several Republicans spoke out against the decision of Mr. trump’s dismissal of FBI Director James Comey. Some senators, openly supported the dismissal was subsequently confirmed to the newspaper that I think this move is untimely and undermine their work. Many expressed surprise when Mr trump has accused Mr Komi is that he does nothing to combat leaks.
Republican senators are rewriting the White house proposed a bill on health care reform, seeking to avoid public discontent. Also the Republicans are trying to delay reform of state budget expenditures, in particular, the project will reduce the funding of management on control over drug trafficking. Many high-ranking Republicans said they would not support any actions of Donald trump at the exit of the North American free trade agreement (NAFTA).
Recall, senators from the Republican party believe that the bill on health care reform, on the one hand, makes insurance cheaper for young people, but on the other hand, increases the price for older Americans. In particular, it allows to charge adult citizens five times more pay than with youth, and allows for the increase of this gap by decision of individual States. In this regard, the senators consider it necessary to amend the bill.
Previously, the U.S. held a vote on the bill, which turns a multi-year project to reform the system of health and social welfare Obamacare. After long negotiations and the initial rejection of the opponents of Obamacare still managed to achieve a majority in the lower house of the American Parliament — the House of representatives approved it by a margin of four votes.