Pakistani teenager named Irfan, who tended the cows of one family in Punjab province said. It is reported NDTV.
According to the mother of the victim, his employer Shavkat Bibi infuriated the request for the payment of salaries.
“Last week Shavkat Bibi is furious when Irfan asked for a salary. She cut off his right hand with fodder cutter, to teach a lesson when he requests a salary, but work on feeding cattle performs,” she said. 13-year-old boy owed 3000 Pakistani rupees — just under $ 30.
The boy was taken to hospital in critical condition. Local police to accept the application refused, but after an appeal to the court of his registered. Detained brother Shaukat Bibi, about the fate of the women is not reported. Local authorities promised to punish the perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law.