Ruslan Balbec
The initiative of the Ukrainian radicals to launch a campaign of “Death regiment” in Kiev in normal people does not find support. This opinion was expressed by the Deputy of state Duma Ruslan Balbec in an interview with “” on Wednesday, may 3.
“Poor little minds of Ukrainian nationalists is not able to create (…) and now they practically declare their alternative to the “Immortal regiment”. Only in the country of victorious Nazism, people can not spit in the eyes of probanderovskie thugs,” — said the MP.
Earlier Wednesday, the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN banned in Russia) Nicholas Kochanowski has urged the people of Kiev come out on may 9 for the event “Death regiment”. According to him, it is necessary to stop citizens who want to take part in the action “Immortal regiment”.
On April 29 the adviser to the interior Minister of Ukraine Zoryan Shkiryak appealed to citizens and visitors not to use the St. George ribbon during the may holidays, especially the 8-th and 9-th. As explained Shkiryak, the appearance of this symbol can trigger the “logical and objectively correct reaction of the Ukrainian patriot and citizen.”
The action “Immortal regiment” on may 9 held in the cities of Russia and abroad. The demonstrators are holding photos of their relatives who fought against the Nazis in the great Patriotic war. May 9 after the coup in 2014 is ignored by the Ukrainian authorities.