Roommates out of town Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo region, was hit by a freight train, fascinated dispute. The man wanted to cross them, but the woman, for security reasons, did not want to let him in, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the representative of the Kuzbass linear management of the Ministry of internal Affairs Elena Sherbinina.
“The woman died on the spot, and a man with serious injuries was taken to the intensive care unit of the Regional clinical center of miners ‘health protection”, she said.
Transport police found that the incident occurred when the pair crossed paths, returning from shopping in the village of Dachny. On the horizon a freight train, and between cohabitants, a dispute arose. “In the end, both the pedestrian was on the tracks just in front of a train”, — said Shcherbinina. 29-year-old man was thrown to the side and he survived, and his 46-year-old girlfriend suffered a strong blow to the head, from which he died on the spot.
In July 2016 a woman from Buryatia lost his head during sex on the railroad tracks, reported NTV. The deceased was on top of his partner, who was still alive.