Lack of sanitation was the cause of the poisoning 97 players “What? Where? When?”

According to the epidemiological investigation conducted by the office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Republic of Udmurtia, the staff of the children’s camp “Friendship” in which there was a mass food poisoning of pupils identified noroviruses. This was reported on the website of the Department.

Information about poisoning were received on the night of 2 may. Initially for medical assistance to 17 people, but 3 may the number had risen to 97 people.

According to the investigation of the CPS, this was the result of transmission by food. “The existence of gross violations of sanitary legislation in the operation of the dining room contributed to the infection of patients,” reads a press release of the Ministry.

In place anti-epidemic measures are continuing. Camp and dining room are currently closed, and the information on the revealed violations transmitted by CPS to law enforcement.

The sick gathered in the “Friendship” to participate in the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”. The event was organized without notice to the Supervisory body. In the camp for up to 380 people, from different regions of the country and was attended by over 500 teenagers aged 16 to 18 years.

