The intervals of movement of Swallows at CIP was reduced to 5 minutes during rush hour
The intervals of movement of trains on the Moscow Central ring (ISC) Monday, may 1, was reduced to five minutes during rush hour and 10 minutes at other time. This was reported in the release of the capital metro received MOHANTY.
“To implement this, the Russian Railways have done a great job increasing the fleet of rolling stock by ICC from 33 to 42 trains and increasing the number of pairs a day from 134 to 177”, — stated in the release.
While in the weekday evening rush hour now starts a half hour earlier, at 16:00 and ends half an hour later at 21:00
Earlier it was reported that since the launch of the movement on 10 September 2016 “Swallows” has moved 55 million passengers. The last daily record in ICC was recorded 11 April: then trains transported more than 371 thousand passengers.