Putin congratulated Lavrov birthday a small volume of Tyutchev

Sergei Lavrov The President of Russia Vladimir Putin congratulated the Minister of foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov with his recent birthday and presented him with a gift. On Wednesday, March 22, reports TASS. The head of state handed to the Minister published in 1913 a book of verses of the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev, which is about 50 years gave the diplomatic service. Starting his career as a freelance attache of the Russian diplomatic mission in Munich, Tyutchev was promoted to the Chairman of the Committee of foreign censorship. March 21, Lavrov 67 years old. The Minister is also known for writing poetry. In early February, the magazine “Russian pioneer” published his poem dedicated to the past year of the Monkey and the coming year of the Rooster. The President often refers to the verse form. Thus, on 8 March, Putin in a televised speech, congratulated the women poems of Konstantin

The survey found most acceptable for Russians form of government

The majority of citizens of Russia all other forms of government it prefers a Republic. As they say on Thursday, March 23, “news”, these are the results of a survey conducted by the Russian center for public opinion (VTSIOM). This system of government called the most suitable 88 percent of respondents. The majority of respondents (68 per cent) spoke out against the monarchy, while 2006 was 66 percent, and in 2015 — at 67 percent. The publication also notes: “not in principle against” the fact that power was handed down 22 percent, but they still do not see the country a suitable candidate for the position of monarch. But 6 percent do not agree with them and insist that such a person is. On 14 March the head of the Crimea Viktor Aksenov TV channel “First Crimean” said that Russia’s “democracy, in the form in which it is presented by

American Wisconsin four people were killed in the shooting

American Wisconsin four people were killed in the shooting MOSCOW, 23 Mar — RIA Novosti. Four people were killed in a shooting in the us state of Wisconsin, among them a police officer, reports Fox 6. Earlier it was reported that several shooting episodes occurred in Northern Wisconsin. It is noted that the shooting occurred in three different places at frequent intervals. Police arrested a suspect. The investigation is ongoing.

In Italy has neutralized a gang of kidnappers Parmesan

In Italy has neutralized a gang of kidnappers Parmesan Italian police arrested a group of ten criminals who for several years was engaged in the robbery of the factories, shops and private homes in the North of the country. Exploited were mainly from elite varieties of cheese and expensive wine. Arrested March 20 in Modena, the robbers operated mainly in the region of Emilia-Romagna. During his criminal career they managed to steal about 16 thousand bottles of wine, totaling approximately 100 million euros and 168 laps varieties of cheese “Parmigiano Reggiano” with a budget of 80 thousand euros. For detention of criminals the police had to conduct a large-scale operation called “Wine and cheese”, reports the Local. The guards managed to establish that one of the gang members, using his professional connections with agricultural producers in the region, passed the relevant information to the associates. Stealing food is a major

The terrorist attack in London claimed the lives of five people

The terrorist attack in London claimed the lives of five people LONDON, Mar 23 — RIA Novosti, Maria Tobacco. The death toll in the suicide bombing in London increased to five and injured 40 people, told journalists the head of the counter-terrorism unit of Scotland Yard, mark Rowley. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий Earlier it was reported that in the attack four people were killed and at least 20 were injured. “The number of injured is forty people, among them some were seriously injured, five people were killed, including a police officer from divisions on protection of diplomatic missions Keith Palmer,” said Rowley. The attack occurred at 14.40 local time (17.40 GMT) in one of the most popular tourist places of the city: car, riding across Westminster bridge, drove on the sidewalk, knocked down several people, drove to the Parliament building, where the attacker was stopped by the police. He stabbed a policeman who

The Russians spoke about the failed attempts to get a job

The Russians spoke about the failed attempts to get a job Russian Facebook users staged a flash mob, in which he shared stories about failed attempts to get a job. The action network has launched an employee of the Agency Great Artem Kudryavtsev, who first spoke about his failure and called on users to share their own experiences in the posts with the hashtag #Bananewala. In response, users of social networks began to complain about employers who, for one reason or another refused to take them to work. “Pozner, Vladimir Vladimirovich took me to the First channel. Andrey Reznikov took to Radio Record, because Michael Fires didn’t send the test task”, — said one of them. Many gave thanks Kudryavtseva for the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting stories and called a flash mob most of the saving that has ever been on Facebook. “Real life on the front window,

The children’s Ombudsman proposed to prohibit the registration in social networks to 14 years

The children’s Ombudsman proposed to prohibit the registration in social networks to 14 years Ombudsman for children under the President of Russia Anna Kuznetsova suggested to consider all the possible ways to monitor kids on the Internet, including a ban on registration in social networks to 14 years. On Wednesday, March 22, RIA Novosti reported. The Ombudsman also said that to fully protect children from the Internet is impossible, because it performs useful functions, for example, helps in the educational process. In January 2017 in Russia began to acquire the popular game “the Blue whale”, the rules of which children are given the quest “curators”, and the ultimate goal is the death. On the background of alleged frequent cases of suicides that students commit to fulfilling these jobs, March 10, the Russian government supported the bill to increase criminal liability for incitement of a minor to suicide. In the criminal

The sound of a new supersonic aircraft compared with the slam of the door

The sound of a new supersonic aircraft compared with the slam of the door New supersonic passenger jet will be a thousand times quieter. Prospective passenger supersonic aircraft, developed by the American company Lockheed Martin for the project QueSST will be about a thousand times quieter than comparable size conventional aircraft. As reported by Flightglobal, said the head of breakthrough projects in the Skunk Works division of Charles chase. According to him, the shock wave formed by the new aircraft will be seen by observers on earth as a “dull thump in a car door a few houses down the street.” The ultimate goal of the project QueSST, within which is created a new aircraft, is the development of quiet supersonic aircraft. This plane will allow supersonic flight over populated land is prohibited today. It is assumed that the shock wave from such an aircraft will not deliver serious concern

The issue of changing the “channel format” should not, said Gryzlov

Photo: RIA Novosti The issue of changing the “channel format” is not necessary, said Tuesday Russia’s permanent representative in the contact group on Ukraine, Boris Gryzlov. “Nobody thinks of the participants in the “Normandy format” is officially in the agenda of a question on change of this format. The format works, there are meetings of Ministers of foreign Affairs, the meetings of political Directors, security experts, experts on legal issues,” — said Gryzlov, the TV channel “Russia-24”. According to him, there’s a lot of work on the development of the road map, “must be a sequence of steps.” “There’s this new novel, which is a step in security you have to answer immediately step to change the political situation. I mean the laws: the law on the special status, Amnesty, elections, amendments to the Constitution. Then it all would have gotten involved and “road map” would move in that direction”,

Spring offered genomic registration of pedophiles

Irina Yarovaya Photo: RIA Novosti Vice-speaker of the state Duma of Russia Irina Yarovaya declared intention to amend the bill to strengthen the protection of children from sexual abuse by mandatory standard genomic registration (storage of biological material) accused of pedophilia, reports TASS. “In addition, we can include in the bill such suggestions of colleagues, as the introduction of criminal liability for harboring a pedophile … to increase liability for the Commission of sexual offences by persons against minors living with them in one apartment to enter the genome registration of persons accused of crimes against sexual inviolability of minors, to impose a lifetime administrative supervision in respect of the perpetrators of rape and other sexual offences”, – said Yarovaya following the meeting of the working group. Earlier, Yarovaya has offered to create a program of rehabilitation of children – victims of sexual violence. According to Spring, who are victims