“Leonid Ilyich lay on his back”: how the Soviet Union was rife with rumors about the assassination attempt on Brezhnev

The General Secretary of the CPSU Leonid Brezhnev at the airport of Tashkent, 22 March 1982 © Vladimir Musaelyan, Eduard Dogs/TASS At the end of March 1982, in Moscow rumors of 75-year-old Brezhnev assassination attempt, he’s dying. Seriously discussed even a version that the General Secretary of the CPSU was dead, but to advertise the demise were not because of the fierce fighting comrades for his chair.

Minsk plans hearings on the question of the death penalty

Minsk plans hearings on the question of the death penalty The Chairman of the lower chamber of the National Assembly of Belarus Vladimir Andreichenko during the meeting with representative of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Andrea Rigoni said that “Belarus is open to dialogue in all spheres, including on sensitive issues, including the death penalty.” Mr. Andreichenko said that the Parliament continues the work of the special working group on the issue of the death penalty, the planned parliamentary hearings. “We must prepare the society (for a moratorium or abolish the death penalty.— “Kommersant”). When we find out people’s opinions, a decision will be made” — leads TASS his words. In 2012, in his annual message to Parliament and nation, Alexander Lukashenko said that “the execution of one of the main demands of the West — a moratorium on the death penalty… will not. Mr. Lukashenko

In repelling the attacks of the Kurds in Southeast Turkey soldiers killed

Hakkari archive In the battle with the Kurds in Southeast Turkey killed a soldier. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the Hakkari province. A detachment of fighters of the Kurdistan workers party (PKK) tried to cross the Turkish-Syrian border near a military base. After the attackers discovered, they fired at strengthening the base of the grenade. The Turkish military reported four wounded, all of them are in a state of moderate severity, their life is not in danger. The losses of the Kurds there is no information. An armed confrontation between Ankara and the Kurds, who are fighting for education autonomy within the country escalated in the summer of 2015 after the attack in the town of Suruç. Then 32 people were killed, mostly Kurds. Fighters of the PKK, which Ankara considers a terrorist organization, accused the Turkish government of collaborating with the Islamists and resumed guerrilla war

Lavrov praised the progress of negotiations on the Syrian settlement in Geneva

Sergei Lavrov In the Syrian crisis settlement has managed to achieve a fragile progress. This was stated by Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the meeting with the special envoy of the UN Secretary General on Syria Staffan De Mistura, reports “Interfax”. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry said that on the eve of the Geneva talks on Syria is necessary to consolidate agreement on four “baskets” which include the Constitution, elections, transitional and counter-terrorism. “All of these aspects are the essential requirements laid down in resolution 2254 [UN security Council],” — said Lavrov. The next round of Syrian peace talks in Geneva scheduled for March 23. On 11 March, the UN security Council called on the parties to the Syrian conflict to continue negotiations in a constructive manner and without preconditions. Members of the security Council reaffirmed its commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria.

British police arrested seven people in connection with the attack at Parliament

British police conducted raids in London and Birmingham in connection with the attack on Parliament. About it reports Reuters. Arrested seven people, their names and ethnic affiliation were not disclosed. The Deputy head of Scotland Yard’s mark Rowley said that the perpetrator was acting alone. “At the moment we believe that the attacker acted alone, inspired by the acts of international terrorism — said Rowley. — We do not have any information about possible future threats.” Police also reported the latest data on victims and wounded. According to Rowley, four people were killed (previously reported five): two passers-by on the bridge (man and woman), a COP got stabbed, and the terrorist. It has been identified, but personal details have not been disclosed. March 22 at about 14:40 local time (17:40 GMT) in London, a car heading across Westminster bridge, drove on the sidewalk, knocked down there’s a few people and

Three people died in accidents involving police cars in Sverdlovsk region

In the accident involving two cars and a police car in the Sverdlovsk region, three people were killed and two others injured. On Thursday, March 23, reported on the website of the regional interior Ministry cupola. The accident happened in the evening of March 22 in the town of Sukhoi Log. During a patrol of traffic police outfit was noticed riding on the street a New Ford Focus, whose driver was allegedly drunk. The police request to stay, he has not fulfilled, on the contrary, increased the speed. “In a few minutes on the street Kunarskaya reckless driver, lost control, left on strip of oncoming traffic where made a head-on collision with VAZ-21103, causing, in turn, “Lada” was thrown on the patrol car VAZ-2114″, — says the publication. The result was driving domestic cars, the man of 1988 of a birth and two passengers — a woman born in 1976

In the Kharkiv region called the cause of the fire at the ammunition depots

In the Kharkiv region called the cause of the fire at the ammunition depots KYIV, 23 Mar — RIA Novosti. The cause of the fire at the ammunition depot — tank and artillery shells in caliber of 125 mm and 152 — in Balakleya in Kharkiv region, according to preliminary data, became a diversion, said on Thursday the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios. “According to preliminary data (now on the results of investigative actions) the military Prosecutor of Kharkiv garrison,.. the result of sabotage tonight in 03.02 (04.02 GMT) on several sites of storage of rocket artillery weapons (tank and artillery shells 125 and 152 mm) near the town of Balakleya in Kharkiv region was an explosion (fire) that caused the detonation of ammunition,” Matios wrote on his page in Facebook.

At a military depot in the Kharkiv region was an explosion of ammunition

At a military depot in the Kharkiv region was an explosion of ammunition According to local media reports, the hazard area is the evacuation of residents. KIEV, March 23. /TASS/. The explosion, followed by fire and a chain detonation of munitions, occurred today at a military depot near the town Balakleya in Kharkiv region. This was reported by Ukrainian TV channel “24”. “In Balakleya, a powerful explosion occurred at a military base. In this city is the largest in Ukraine warehouse of ammunition”, — is spoken in the message. According to local media reports, the hazard area is the evacuation of residents. According to eyewitnesses, cited by “Channel 24”, departures from Balakliia clogged with dense traffic. In the short video taken near the scene, seen the glow of a large fire, in which every second there are new shells. Information on victims and destructions did not arrive yet. According to

Media: metro station in London evacuated after reports of a suspicious object

Media: metro station in London evacuated after reports of a suspicious object The station of the London underground North Greenwich evacuated after reports of a suspicious subject, reports the Daily Star. The movement of trains and bus connections in the direction to the station is also suspended. Evacuarònnos da estaciòn de #NorthGreenwich en #London ista tarde o acceso pechado#LondonAttacks pic.twitter.com/dkTbZmur8U — Duarte Fondo Quiroga (@duartefq) 23 Mar 2017 Earlier it was reported that the death toll in the attack in Central London has risen to five people. On the afternoon of 22 March, the car drove into a crowd on Westminster bridge in London. A policeman was stabbed in the British Parliament, the assailant was shot dead. The policeman later died. UK police considers the incident to attack the Parliament building as a terrorist attack.