Border service of Ukraine has strengthened the protection of border with Russia over the explosions of ammunition

Border service of Ukraine has strengthened the protection of border with Russia over the explosions of ammunition The state border service of Ukraine has strengthened the protection of the Eastern border due to fires and explosions in military warehouses in Balakleya in Kharkiv region. On Thursday, March 23, the press center of the Ministry. “Force units of the Eastern regional Directorate and the Department reserves increased density of border duties outside the checkpoints,” the statement reads. It is noted that security measures at checkpoints reinforced and clarified the interaction of the guards with all security agencies of the country. In turn, the State service of Ukraine for emergency situations reported that at military depots near Kharkov continues explosions of different intensity. The office noted that the movement of passenger transport on the railway station “Balakliya” is suspended and is organized by the backup scheme. Earlier Thursday, the chief military Prosecutor

Because of a fire at a military warehouse in Ukraine, evacuated to 20 thousand people

Because of a fire at a military warehouse in Ukraine, evacuated to 20 thousand people KYIV, 23 Mar — RIA Novosti. About 20 thousand people were evacuated from settlements in the area detonating ammunition depot in Kharkiv region, informs the state service of Ukraine for emergency situations. In the night of Thursday a fire occurred at an ammunition depot in Balakleya in Kharkiv region, which led to their detonation. According to the military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios, the cause of the fire at the ammunition depot — tank and artillery shells in caliber of 125 mm and 152 — according to preliminary data, became a diversion. “As of 07:30 (08:30 GMT) Mar 23 evacuation of the population from the village of Verbivka evacuated 2,700 people in the village of pryshyb (16 km from Blakley). In the village of yakovenkove — 806 inhabitants in Volokhov Yar (20 km from Blakley).

The Prosecutor said the cause of the fire at a military depot in Ukraine diversion

The Prosecutor said the cause of the fire at a military depot in Ukraine diversion The cause of the fire at the largest Ukrainian military warehouse, located in the Kharkiv region, is “sabotage”. About this on his page in Facebook said the chief military Prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios. This conclusion, as said the head of the Supervisory Department, was made “a result of investigation of the military Prosecutor of Kharkiv garrison”. He is currently, according to Matios, is on the scene. “As a result of sabotage tonight 3:02 [local time] (2:02 GMT) on several sites of storage of rocket artillery weapons (tank and artillery shells 125 mm and 152 mm) near the town of Balakleya <…> the explosion occurred (a fire) that caused the detonation of ammunition,” wrote the Prosecutor. From “the point of detonation”, as said Matios, “by establishing a lock” was organized by the “conditional semikilometrovaya border”

Found the largest petroglyphs in the Altai

Found the largest petroglyphs in the Altai In Ongudai district of the Altai Republic, archaeologists found a three-meter cave drawing of a deer. At the moment, found the image of the largest petroglyphs in the Altai. About the discovery reported on the website of the Agency for cultural and historical heritage of the Altai Republic. Petroglyphs, the most numerous and widespread species of the monuments of ancient art of the Altai. Today in the Altai recorded 172 group of petroglyphs. These include images that are made in the technique of knocking out (direct blows or use of instruments intermediary), engraving, carving, polishing and also performed with the combination of these techniques as contour and silhouette. Images with a silhouette filling sometimes called intaglios. The subjects of the Altai petroglyphs are divided into five groups: image ungulates (deer, elk, moose, bulls, camels, wild ass, deer, sheep, goats and boars); the predators

GPS Navigator affects the brain, scientists

GPS Navigator affects the brain, scientists MOSCOW, 22 Mar — RIA Novosti. Scientists from the University of Kent in the UK found that the use of GPS reduces the activity of the brain, “disabling” those features that are responsible for orientation in space. A study published in the journal Nature Communications. In the experiment 24 volunteers had to find the right address in the virtual model of the SOHO district in London — at first without the aid of a computer, and then using the GPS prompts. The brain of each of them were observation using functional MRI. The results of the study showed that in self-search in the brain of participants activated the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex, responsible for navigation and decision-making. In the second case, these areas of the brain were not involved. The scientists explained that this phenomenon has its positive side. Freeing yourself from the

Putin Lavrov gave works Tyutchev, 1913 edition

Putin Lavrov gave works Tyutchev, 1913 edition A gift to the Minister was made in the Kremlin on March 22. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov works Tyutchev, 1913 edition. Such a gift he made at the beginning of the meeting of the Commission on military-technical cooperation (VTS) Russia with foreign States. The event takes place March 22 in the Kremlin. This meeting was the first in 2017. The event is planned to define the basic parameters of work for 2017-2019. Earlier, Putin announced that the number of Russia’s partners in the sphere of military-technical cooperation has exceeded 100 countries and a portfolio of orders for deliveries of Russian weapons abroad remains at over $50 billion.

The Ministers of defence of the USA and Finland discussed the “Russian aggression”

Photo: Twitter / @DefenceFinland The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis on Tuesday, March 21, held talks with his Finnish counterpart Jussi Niinistö. At a meeting in the Pentagon, the sides discussed a number of issues, including the “Russian aggression”, the relationship of Helsinki with NATO and bilateral cooperation in the field of security. This was reported on the website of the American defense Department. Mattis, in his introductory remarks noted that the Northern location of Finland and its history will help Washington “to clarify its position, and to deepen the understanding of the situation which presents a challenge to stability.” The Pentagon chief also thanked Niinisto for his country’s participation in the fight against international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), support to NATO-led operations and for the assistance of the United Nations. During the meeting, the Ministers “have identified areas for further deepening

Turkey and Russia have restored relations and work together

Photo: © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS Turkey and Russia have restored their relationship and are now working on solving the problems in the region. On Tuesday, speaking at the National press club in Washington, said the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu. “With Russia we have overcome our differences. Today our relationship is restored, and we collaborate in solving some of the problems of the region”, – said the Minister. As an example he cited the situation in Syria and Azerbaijan. At the same time, added Cavusoglu, Ankara continues to “support the territorial integrity of Georgia and of Ukraine, including Crimea”. 4 Nov 2015 F-16 fighter of the Turkish air force shot down a Russian su-24 bomber who participated in the antiterrorist operation in Syria. One of the pilots died, the other was saved by a 12-hour operation by Russian and Syrian special forces. During the operation to evacuate the crew of

The Prime Ministers of Italy and Japan discussed relations with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Relations with Russia become one of the topics of the talks between the heads of the governments of Italy and Japan Paolo Gentiloni and Shinzo Abe. The Prime Ministers of both countries said at a joint press conference after a meeting held on Tuesday in the Italian capital meeting. “Among the current topics of geopolitics, we discussed relations with Russia, which along with the policy of sanctions, it is necessary to make steps forward in strengthening the dialogue,” he said. In addition Gentiloni and Abe discussed the agenda of the upcoming summit of the group of seven, which will be held in late may in Taormina (Sicily). In particular, the two heads of government spoke out against the policies of protectionism. “We hope that “seven” will give a clear signal and will emphasize the importance of preserving freedom in international trade,” said Italian Prime Minister. He also