The CEC gave a possible date of the presidential election

The CEC gave a possible date of the presidential election MOSCOW, 16 Mar — RIA Novosti. Presidential elections 2018 in the case of support project Ministry of labor of the Russian Federation on the transfer of the holidays can take 4 or March 18, depending on the outcome of proposed legislative amendments submitted to the Duma, told RIA Novosti Secretary of the CEC, Maya Grishina. Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of labor of Russia has prepared a draft decree of the government of the Russian Federation about transfer of the holidays in 2018, according to which the days of rest, next year will make the days from 8 to 11 March. “In principle, under current law is March 4, for a possible draft amendment now under discussion, it may be March 18,” — said Grishin RIA Novosti in response to the question, what day are presidential elections in

In French school shooting occurred

Continued: Police detained the shooter from the French school In high school, located in the French city of Grasse (Grasse), the shooting occurred. On Thursday, March 16, Reuters reported, citing a police source. At least two people were injured. In particular, suffered the principal of the school. According to the detention order, we are not talking about the attack. Open fire could students. Presumably, between the two of them had a conflict. According to the Agency, one suspect was arrested, the second wanted by the police. Local residents are asked to stay home. All schools in the city are closed. In early February, California police arrested two 16-year-old teenagers who planned a massacre at the school.

Police detained the shooter from the French school

At the scene The teenager who opened fire on classmates at a school in the French city of Grasse, was detained by the police. About it reports BBC News. He seized three firearms and two hand grenades. The head teacher said that the attacker managed to injure two people, five people need psychological help. In place of the departed elite counter-terrorist squad, but their assistance was not required — investigators had no evidence that the assailant had something to do with terror. All the circumstances of the case are still unclear. In particular, it is unknown whether the assailant was single or acted together with an accomplice. “We are still engaged in a rescue operation, looking for a possible second offender,” — said the press Secretary of the Ministry of interior, Pierre-Henri Brande. Shooting at a high school Gras occurred on Thursday, March 16. In early February, California police arrested

French investigators interested in gorgeous costumes visit

Francois Fillon Prosecutors in France have addressed in court with the petition for extension of the investigation of the case against the candidate for the President of the country Francois Fillon. It is reported BFMTV. It clarifies the channel, investigators interested in the origin of several magnificent costumes, the purchase of which was paid for by an anonymous friend of the politician. Starting in 2012 the gift giver spent on clothing policy purchased in a luxury boutique Arnys in Paris, 48,5 thousand euros. Law enforcement officials suggest that the suits could be a kind of payment for some services provided by Fillon. It can be accused of “influence peddling”. Earlier, on 14 March, against the policy was opened a formal investigation in connection with the bogus employment of his wife and children. January 25 in the newspaper Le Canard enchaîné had published material in which it was alleged that for

In Moscow has opened three new metro stations

In Moscow on Thursday, on March 16 launched a new section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line. There are three station “Lomonosovskiy Prospekt”, “Minsk” “Ramenki”. The length of the new segment is about seven kilometers, reports channel “Moscow 24”. According to National news service (NSN), in the opening ceremony of the stations were attended by the capital’s mayor Sergei Sobyanin. “Minsk” is decorated in the style of hi-tech, the designers used mostly grey and metal tones. It is expected that the use of this stop will be about nine thousand passengers per day. The design of the station “Lomonosovskiy Prospekt” is made based on its proximity to the MSU used in the design of graphic elements in the form of numbers. The planned passenger traffic reached 100 thousand people per day. Station “Ramenki” decorated with drawings in the form of silhouettes of trees on a green background. According to preliminary calculations,

Shokhin has told about Putin’s reaction to the question about the new government

Alexander Shokhin The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin has told about his meeting with President Vladimir Putin in which he asked the President a question about the possibility of forming a new Cabinet of Ministers. Shokhin’s words leads RIA Novosti on Thursday, March 16. According to the Chairman of the Union, he met with the Russian leader on 19 December, when we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the organization. “I asked him a question in the informal part, referring to the American experience, the President [of the USA Donald] trump moves to the administration for Ministerial posts entrepreneurs, doesn’t want Vladimir Vladimirovich to use this experience in the next cycle of forming the government,” Shokhin said during a speech at the Congress of the Union. Putin, according to him, the idea of appointing businessmen Ministers have not denied, but stressed that to judge

Western sanctions have become much less alarming the Russians

The citizens of Russia began to show less concern with regard to the sanctions of the West. As reported on Friday, March 17, RIA Novosti, evidenced by the survey data of the all-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM). According to him, this figure has decreased since the beginning of 2015. Then, 52 percent of respondents said that the restrictive measures aggravated the situation in the country, and in March of 2017 so believed, only 27 percent of respondents. Simultaneously, the Russians were significantly more likely to talk about the positive effect of Western sanctions. It celebrates 35 percent, and two years ago the figure was 17 percent. 32 percent are confident the sanctions policy was not seriously impact on the life of Russian society, while in 2015 it is believed by 22 percent of survey participants. A similar trend is noted in the assessment of the effects of

“Kuznetsov” will prolong the life of

“Kuznetsov” will prolong the life of Avanessa heavy cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” will prolong the lifespan that the documents have already expired, for another 20 years. He’s not just repaired, but also modernized, equipped with the latest equipment and weapons. According to preliminary estimates, repair of a cruiser will cost 65 billion rubles. As part of shipbuilders and sailors plan to install on an aircraft carrier the latest avionics and weapons, and replace with the new is not produced in Russia, components and assemblies. For their development it is planned to open several development works. According to experts, the life extension and modernization will save the ship and its unique impact potential for the Russian Navy. As told “Izvestia”, several interlocutors in the Navy and the shipbuilding industry, now agree on the amount of works and their cost continues. But according to preliminary estimates repair “Kuznetsov” will cost not less than

Ex-wife, trump will write a memoir about life with a famous husband

Ex-wife, trump will write a memoir about life with a famous husband The first wife of the President of the United States Donald trump — Ivana trump is working on his memoirs in which will tell about the life in a marriage with a tycoon and raising three children together, sons Donald and Eric and daughter Ivanka. As reported in Thursday’s Telegraph newspaper, citing a representative of the publisher, the book will appear in stores on September 12 of this year. “As reported in the publisher Gallery, Ivana trump writes a story on “motherhood, strength, and resilience” and reflects on “childhood in Communist Czechoslovakia”, the flight to new York, dizzying novel and successful career of a business lady,” the lead British journalists details about the book. The memoir is called “the Education of Trumps”. The author admits that writing the book it inspired increased after the victory of Donald trump

The United States declassified video of testing of nuclear weapons

The United States declassified video of testing of nuclear weapons Physicist Greg Spriggs from Lawrence Livermore national laboratory name of Ernest Lawrence U.S. Department of energy jointly with colleagues, has collected and posted hundreds of declassified clips of nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere. Reported by Business Insider. A team of experts led by Spriggan regained some of the films atmospheric nuclear tests, made in the USA in the years 1945-1962. To date, specialists have at their disposal there are about 6.5 thousand clips of which have been digitized about 4.2 thousand and 750 — declassified. In the years 1945-1962 the United States conducted 210 nuclear tests in the atmosphere, recorded in about ten thousand movies. Most of them were distributed in secret vaults in the United States. The team of experts took five years to collect them in the laboratory. Search and digitization of the remaining 3.5 thousand rollers