The U.S. Senate approved the candidacy of Dan Coates for the post of head N. I.

The U.S. Senate approved the candidacy of Dan Coates for the post of head N. I.

Moscow. March 15. INTERFAX.RU — most members of the US Senate on Wednesday endorsed the candidacy of Daniel Coates for the post of Director of national intelligence.

As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the voting has not ended, however, for the candidacy Coates voted 54 members of the Senate out of 100, against — seven. March 10, the relevant Committee of the U.S. Senate approved the candidacy of Coates as Director of N. I., voted “for” 13 members of the Senate intelligence Committee of 15, against — two.

Daniel Coates is an American politician and member of the Republican party. From 1989 — 1999 was a US Senator from Indiana, during the work in the upper house of Congress was in the armed services Committee, intelligence Committee and in the Committee on labor and human resources.

In 2001-2005 worked as the U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany. Upon returning to the United States started lobbying in Washington, had among their 36 clients such giants as General Electric and Google. In 2010, the newly elected United States Senator from Indiana and served a full term mandate, refusing in 2016 from re-election.

March 7, 2014, along with Senator mark kirk has written to FIFA President Joseph Blatter a letter with a call to exclude Russia from among the participants of the world championship on football of 2014, as well as to deprive her of the right to host the world Cup 2018 in connection with the beginning then the process of joining the Crimea to Russia. 5 January 2017 the US President-elect Donald trump has nominated Coates to the position of Director of National intelligence.

