Nuclear brothel for Europe: why the United States involve the Old world in a dangerous game

From the American military presence around the world is always unpleasant smells, and taste of the burgers here is not the most disgusting – much worse than the fumes from the explosions of missiles, shells and bombs with the mark Made in USA, powder smoke hanging in the air dust of the destroyed houses. But now, it seems, the Yankees decided to spoil the air in Europe – nuclear radiation, which in the case of the realization of their terrible plan will cover a deadly shroud the entire Old world, and along the territory of Eastern Europe, the middle East. There is only one nuance – in case of outbreak of nuclear war in Europe, the US will have to retaliate, which will not save any “umbrella”.


The United States never fought on its territory, with the exception of the Civil war 1861-1865 and armed Anglo-American conflict in 1812 at the canadian border. But he was famous for military action outside of their country, which is almost always used prohibited methods of war, and was never considered with the local population. A typical example is the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, killing thousands of innocent people when there was no need, except ambition and a demonstration of awesome power, first for the Soviet Union.

Now Washington is actively promoting the program, which is aimed at building nuclear forces in Europe, planned to be used without too much thought. There is a lot of evidence. For example, just a month ago the United States conducted the most large-scale exercises of the strategic nuclear forces for the last time, which worked out a hybrid conflict in Europe with the growth of a nuclear war against the United States. The us military practiced their actions in the event of a possible conflict with “certain nuclear power”, without specifying the particular adversary. It is absolutely clear what it meant for the country, which is part of its territory is in Europe and is not passing headache for the Pentagon.


Current nuclear maneuvers of the Americans in Europe was not limited to the testing of options to protect European allies from attack, the Pentagon tested the possibility of using all possible schemes for combat use. Military games have been supported by the launches of Intercontinental ballistic missiles, sea-based Trident II and the land in California.


It is clear that for some specific purpose they are not sent, but the missiles were in the air, and could choose a more tangible goal, not an ocean polygon. Given the fact that the let and the educational theater of war used Europe, these exercises suggest that the US is afraid that Russia, and in more serious development – work out the possibility of using nuclear weapons against our country.



Another “signal” – active restocking U.S. arsenals of nuclear weapons that is, which late last year reached the maximum. At the end of October 2016 from the U.S. to Europe by sea via the German port of Nordenham was delivered 620 containers with ammunition, which are then transported to the American army depots near the French border. Naturally, the replenishment of the warehouses have been taken as one of measures to curb Russian aggression.


Even earlier, in April of last year, there were indications that the US is moving to Europe its nuclear stockpile from warehouses in Turkey. However, the Ministry of defense refused to comment on this issue, the Romanian foreign Ministry, whose country was supposed to throw nuclear warheads, categorically denied this information, but the Turkish side on it did not react. Noise without fire and the Americans may well be to “put eggs in different baskets”, especially when Turkey plays the game not only in the region but also in NATO and may block the nuclear stockpile of the USA for use in Europe against Russia.


“Nuclear bombs, the United States is now located on the territory of four European countries – Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and also Turkey, – says military expert Vladislav Shurigin. And it is a big headache for the governments of these countries, because they know perfectly well that the Russian General staff, these objects are marked with thick red cross and they will be subjected to a first strike with danger of unleashing a nuclear conflict. The same France and Britain, abandoning the U.S. nuclear bombs, not by negating the idea of placing nuclear weapons in Europe, feel more relaxed – their terrible Russian bomb if cover, it is only in the second turn.


In fact, all the current us military activity in Europe is very annoying as the EU itself and of individual States. The only exceptions are “recruits” from among the porters of ammunition for American guns – the Baltic States, Romania and partly Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Republic. They are convinced that this status voluntarily accepted (in fact – a yoke on the neck) will provide some protection from external aggression. It seems to me that a mythical uncle Sam, Jin, comes at night to the rulers of these countries and tells scary stories, making them with the phrase “the Russians are coming” wet the bed, and in the morning, burning with shame, to ask for the appointment with the urologist, to protect them from such misfortunes.



But seriously, the main threat to Europe is not Russia, namely the United States, who are willing to provoke a nuclear war, somewhere far away from their shores, and then, being above the fray, once again come with a peacekeeping mission on the Smoking ruins and give gosdepovskoy cookies to the few people left alive after a nuclear disaster. Option controversial, but if it tries to use, the reverse effect can not be avoided – for the first time in two hundred years, the hatchet will be open and on their territory”.


The words of the war song of the strategic missile forces: “We are missile troops, we are any target near,” is not just a bravura melody and optimism. This is the real objective, in which the modern tools of Russian weapons capable of reaching any target in Europe and in the United States from Florida to Washington has no “forbidden zones” for the modern, plus promising ballistic missiles. Plus its missile defense system able to track and prevent any weapons with nuclear warheads that will try to enter the territory of Russia. In this respect, a very outdated means of delivery of nuclear weapons stationed in Europe will be destroyed even on the distant approaches. Exactly the same as the launcher in Florida, American nuclear submarines, which are stationed in various regions of the World ocean. And the retaliation will be more devastating and inevitable.

“The Americans, as always, bluff and try to cheat, but rather to expose its partners, – the Director of the Center for analysis of strategies and technologies Ruslan Pukhov. Now they are trying to convince Europe that their strong support is possible to conduct a victorious war and eliminate those mythical threat like Russia. Likewise, they convince their partners in Japan and South Korea that will help to deal with China and also with Korea. Note that the Hotness of US prefer to rake in someone else’s hands.


Let’s be objective – the current military capabilities of Russia and China considerably exceeds not only the listed countries in the East and the West, but also the United States. Here it is necessary to be aware that neither for Russia nor for China, their neighbors much of a threat does not represent. And if the Americans will strike matches in Europe, Beijing will perceive the inflammation as a threat to its security and will not remain on the sidelines. Similarly, as Moscow will not sit in a foxhole, if polyhnet in the far East. And then the Americans, as representatives of the aggressor country will have to experience the same backlash that they are unlikely to reflect”.

Well, Europe has to make a difficult choice – either to turn into a scorched area of nuclear strikes of the earth, or still think about their own safety.


Author: Viktor Sokirko

Photo: Louie Palu / Globallookpress ,

