The Ministry figured out what to do with those who want to save for retirement

The Ministry of economic development of Russia figured out how to encourage the Russians to save for their retirement. The Agency wants to reduce tax (personal income tax) for those who decided to pay for retirement with pay. For those who don’t want to do that, on the contrary, want to increase the bet. This is reported by Vedomosti, citing Federal officials.


As noted in the Ministry to discuss the possibility of working with the rate of personal income tax depending on contributions to individual retirement capital. As planned by the Department, if the person decides to postpone retirement by about 10% of their wages, and personal income tax rate he will have a proportional 10%. In the case if he doesn’t want to save for retirement, personal income tax rate will increase to 15%. The current rate of 13% will remain those who regularly defers to retire 4% of salary.


Yet, clarifies the issue, the idea is discussed only within the Ministry, and the calculations – only options. However, it is already known that this idea was evaluated by Igor Shuvalov.


In this case, the Ministry of economic development knows nothing about this. The representative Shuvalov said that the official proposal of the Ministry in the office of the first Vice-Premier has not been received.

Photo: Alexander Legky Russian Look / Globallookpress

