FT: Silicon valley doubt the possibility of cooperation with Assange

FT: Silicon valley doubt the possibility of cooperation with Assange

MOSCOW, 10 Mar — RIA Novosti. The largest software company in California’s Silicon valley doubt the possibility of cooperation with the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, but do not eliminate it completely, writes the Financial Times.

Earlier, Assange announced that WikiLeaks will provide software developers exclusive access to information about the hacker tools of the CIA, who was in possession of the site.

WikiLeaks has published a secret CIA documents, which describe the tools for hacking into computers, mobile phones and televisions. According to the file revealing website, the CIA used a set of secret tools. These tools include programs for hacking, viruses and malware, against which not yet developed protective mechanisms.

In an interview with the publication, representatives of several leading companies said that such cooperation is unlikely due to ethical and legal obstacles. The interlocutors of the newspaper said that the secret character of the published documents means that even simple acquaintance with them without prior permission of the US authorities will be illegal. Some representatives of IT-business referred to the corporate policy that do not involve interaction with the “criminal elements”, a list which, in their opinion, is WikiLeaks.

At the same time, other programmers have warned that their restraint on the proposals Assange may change, if future publications of WikiLeaks will demonstrate the future prospects of the damage to the industry, the newspaper said.

