The boy’s mother with a video of repost Chudnovets achieved monetary compensation

Eugene Chudnovets

District court of Kataysk in the Kurgan region obliged the teacher camp “Red eagles” Tatiana Korchevo and counselor Daniel Bezborodov, who are serving sentences for child abuse, to pay him compensation. This child was videotaped during which the term Yevgeny Chudnovets, recalls on Tuesday, March 7,

A civil suit mother of the child was partially satisfied. She needed to recover from Korchevoi 300 thousand rubles, Bezborodova — 200 thousand roubles for causing of moral harm to the child. However, according to the court, they will pay 100 thousand and 50 thousand respectively.

Meanwhile, the father Bezborodov reported the online edition that next week the Supreme court will be filed against the judgement of his son. “No abuse was not!” — says the man. He added that he hopes to support Chudnovets (6 March her verdict was canceled for lack of evidence and she was released).

At the end of 2016, the employee of a kindergarten in Ekaterinburg Yevgeny Chudnovets sent to prison for five months “for production and turnover of materials or subjects with pornographic images of minors”. She did repost the video in which counselors children camp in Kataysk bullied in the bathroom over a naked child. According to Chudnovets, she wanted to draw attention to the incident.

In June 2016 Kurcheva was sentenced to six years in prison, and Bezborodov to three years ‘ reformatory (at the time of sentencing he was 17 years old). They were convicted under paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 132 of the criminal code (“Violent actions of sexual nature committed against a person under 14 years of age”). In addition, Kursheva, who filmed the video, still condemned and under the item “in” part 2 of article 242.2 of the criminal code (“Use of minors in producing pornographic materials”). Following consideration of the appeal, according to “the Media”, the counselor, who by this time had turned 18 years of an educational colony were replaced by the General regime.

