Le Pen compared the Euro with the living corpse

Le Pen compared the Euro with the living corpse

The European currency is “just a corpse, still moving,” said the candidate in presidents of France from the right-wing party “national front” marine Le Pen. It urged to establish clear temporal boundaries of France’s withdrawal from the Eurozone.

“The Euro is only the body that still moves. The question is not whether I will leave France out of the Eurozone, but when and under what conditions”, — quotes the statement by Le Figaro Le Pen in a speech in Paris, devoted to the economy.

The politician reiterated the need for the withdrawal of France from the Eurozone and a return to “national currency” and policy of “economic patriotism.”

Le Pen used to be called the Euro an instrument of political pressure on France. In February, her words responded the head of the Bank of France Francois Villeroy de Gallo, stating that in the event of the withdrawal of France from the Euro area debt will rise to €30 billion.

